Chapter XV - Galactic MechaMeta Knight, Silvara Dee

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Galactic MechaMeta Knight

My lord. I've found the famed Elite Waddle Dee. He is attempting to take out our Galactic Waddle Dee army! What should I do sir?

I shall have you capture this "Elite Waddle Dee." Then, I shall take him.

Very good sir. It will be done.


To annoy you sir.


With that, Galactic MechaMeta Knight flipped off of a rooftop, towards Elite Waddle Dee. He watched from the sky, searching for EWD. When he found him, he felt a pinch on his left paw, and started glitching again.

"Ngg... No... I..." he strained. Then, he fainted.

Silvara Dee

"Hmm. That went well," she said, twirling a blowgun in her right paw. She had just sniped him with a Restoration dart, but Galactic Star Dream was too powerful for an instantaneous restoration of his mind.


I'm SOOOO sorry for not updating recently, but I have had a lot on my plate, such as a missing Wattpad account -_- Welp, I'm back, and getting my creative juices flowing!!!! (Hopefully)

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