Chapter VII - Meta Knight, Galactic Star Dream, Kirby, Galactic Kirbee Dee

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Meta Knight

"Galacta- Wha??" Meta Knight exclaimed after just seeing Galacta Knight swoop down out of nowhere, take down his captors, and leave, leaving Meta Knight with the Galaxia. He picked it up and put it back into his cup/sheath. Then, he ran over to Kirby, leaving Galactic Kirbee Dee lying in the grass, KOd. Kirby seemed fine, just dazed. Golden goop leaked out of his head and flew away.

"Sword Knight! Blade Knight! Call to arms! Galactic Star Dream is on the loose, and who knows how many more people he could take over?!"

"Sir yes sir!" they called to him in unison, and they ran over to him.

"There is nowhere to hide, Galactic Star Dream. I will take you down."

Galactic Star Dream

"What? I've lost connection with Kirby! How? I thought he was the strongest creature in all the land!"

Galactic Star Dream, a strange knight looking similar to Meta Knight came down. According to my memories, he is Galacta Knight, whom Meta Knight has beaten before, and Galacta Knight was said to be the most powerful being in all the land, so powerful in fact, that he was sealed away within a powerful gem. However, I believe in the destruction of the original Galactic Nova, he was freed, and now helps Meta Knight in times of distress.

Very good, Galactic Kirbee Dee. Now, I need you to return to me. I believe that Galacta Knight now knows where I am, and I need defense, if he can take down Galactic Kirby so easily.

Very well, it will be done.


"Wake up Kirby! Wake up!" yelled Meta Knight.

"P-p-poyo?" Kirby mumbled as the last of the golden goop slid out of his head.

"Galacta Knight freed you from Galactic Star Dream, but now that we know what he can do, we have to stop him before he takes over the entire world!" At this, Kirby jumped to his feet, and puffed off towards the Dreamstalk, prepared to take down Galactic Star Dream single handedly.

Galactic Kirbee Dee

Master, I detect that Kirby is on his way. Should I intercept?

No, let him come. I believe that I can still take him over again.

Very well. However, I also detect Meta Knight.

I will be right over, I will take them both in one fell swoop.

Galactic Star Dream swooped out of the sky, and sniped both Kirby and Meta Knight out of the air with golden goo balls, turning them into Galactic Kirby and Galactic Meta Knight.

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