Chapter XIV - Galactic Star Dream, Bandana Dee, Silvara Dee

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Galactic Star Dream

Galactic Blade Knight. Are you ready to move?

Yes. I am prepared to march with the Galactic Waddle Dee army to destroy what is left of the Fighters of Dreamland.

Excellent. Now... we can RULE!!!! Oh. Don't forget to "test walk" Galactic MechaMeta Knight.

10-4. It will be done.

Bandana Dee

"Kirby! I'm so glad you're safe!" Bandana shouted.

"Poyo poyo!!!!" Kirby called back to Bandana Dee. Bandana was overjoyed that Kirby wasn't controlled by Galactic Star Dream anymore.

"Kirby... Um... You know about what happened to Meta Knight?"

"Poyo?" Kirby said questioningly.

"He's... controlled by Galactic Star Dream..." Bandana muttered embarrassed.

"NO! POYO! Not Meta poyo!" Kirby started screaming.

"Don't worry," Bandana Dee said soothingly. "We'll get him back. Don't worry one bit."

Silvara (New character)

"NO! POYO! Not Meta poyo!" Kirby screamed at a distance.

Mmm... I'll have to do something about Meta Knight. He was one of the only people that could ever beat me in a sword to sword duel, and that was with his code of honor. Controlled by Galactic Star Dream, he might not be limited by his code of honor, so that means if I want to beat him, I'm going to have to make sure I'm not caught off guard Silvara thought to herself. Then, she back flipped off one of Whispy Wood's branches, and disappeared into the shadows.


Author's Note

Thank's soo much for all of my readers support! Seeing as this is starting to get real, I'm going to have to make the big showdown happen soon! First person to send me an image of what you think Silvara Dee looks like'll get me as a follower! *Hint: Think of the color that "Silvara" reminds you of*

Thank you!

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