Chapter I - Kirby, Triple D (King Dedede), Kirbee Dee

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Kirby woke to the sound of cannonfire. His house shook! He jumped out of bed and looked out the window... He didn't see anything. He looked out the other window... He didn't see anything... He looked out the door, and he saw an army of Waddle Dee outside his door, with King Dedede getting carried by them. Kirby slammed the door in their face and barricaded it with his bed. He put in earplugs into his nonexistant ears, and went back to sleep.

King Dedede

King Dedede was getting annoyed at how long it was taking for Kirby to come back out. He was starting to believe the Waddle Dee that Kirby really was sleeping. He told the Waddle Dee to lower him down, and he looked through the window. He saw Kirby, with his bed against the door, sleeping. Dedede started smashing the door really hard with his hammer. Eventually, the door gave way, and King Dedede fell forward onto the bed. Kirby jumped up and inhaled Dedede's hammer, becoming Hammer Kirby.

Kirbee Dee

"<3 <3 <3 sigh, Kirby! You're my role model, Kirby! I wish I could stand up to the King like you!" sighed Kirbee Dee, a Pink Waddle Dee, with a Kirby face tattooed onto her back. She was hiding in a tree, with Kirby Brand Binoculars, watching Kirby hammer King Dedede's head with the hammer. She had been traveling around for a long while, after King Dedede had given her permission, though he didn't know that she wasn't really telling people that he was amazing, she was actually trying to find out how Kirby got his ability to copy other abilities. She found his home planet, which was now the Nightmare Enterprises Building, and found their secret. She absorbed part of it, and now she had a mouth! She was so excited to tell Kirby... but she wasn't sure he'd be happy to have a Waddle Dee at his door after King Dedede had just broken down his door with an army of Waddle Dee.

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