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Trying not to fret, Istara followed the twisting path through the queen's private gardens, forcing herself to keep to a dignified walk. Tanu-Hepa's message had commanded Istara to come without delay. Perhaps her surrogate mother was displeased with her. Istara had not seen the queen for almost a month; her work at the surgery had been taking all of her time. She scolded herself, she should have attended Tanu-Hepa, to be absent from her court for so long was inexcusable.

She came to the doors of the queen's apartment and announced her arrival, occupying herself while she waited with tidying her hair and brushing the dust from her gown. It was unheard of to go to the queen without bathing, but she dare not disobey her command. Looking down at her plain attire, Istara felt a twinge of regret, wishing she had chosen to wear a nicer gown that day.

The doors opened. The queen's steward called Istara's name. She followed him upstairs to a balcony overlooking the garden. Tanu-Hepa sat alone before a table laid out with refreshments. She gestured Istara over, a warm smile on her lips.

"You are just in time," she said. "Come, join me. I was just about to take my afternoon sweet. The bakers have made our favorite today, honeyed almond cake. There is more than enough for both of us."

Despite the temptation of almond cake, Istara bowed her head. "My lady, I beg you, forgive me for neglecting my duties. You have always been so kind to me, and in return I have been selfish, pursuing my own interests."

She heard Tanu-Hepa click her tongue, something she always did when she was amused. "You are not my nurse maid. I have more than enough women to attend me, though I will not lie, I have always preferred your company the most. Come, sit, I would like to eat this before the flies arrive."

Istara hurried to join Tanu-Hepa, feeling the queen's eyes on her as she served the cake.

"I sent for you so we could celebrate. I understand today was to be your last day at the School--Oh. What is that beside you, wrapped in the blue cloth?"

"A gift from Master Hurik for completing my studies," Istara smiled as she handed it to Tanu-Hepa. "It is the symbol of healing from the times of the hero Gilgamesh."

Tanu-Hepa held it up to the sunlight, inspecting it. "Lord Hurik is generous," she murmured, impressed. "It is a wonderful treasure. But who is to say if it is not even older? It could be from the Golden Age when the gods lived among men; there really is no way to know."

Taking it back from her, Istara cradled it in the palm of her hand, delighted by the thought. "I cannot help but imagine what path it must have taken to arrive here, into my hands."

Tanu-Hepa held up her cup. Istara filled it. The queen took a sip and looked out over the gardens, drenched in brilliant shades of purple, blue and pink. "Urhi-Teshub returned this afternoon," she said, quiet. "I received his message just before you arrived. He has requested to dine with me this evening."

Istara's heart lurched. After seven years of silence, he had finally returned. She set aside the pendant. "Did he ask to see me?"

Tanu-Hepa brushed some crumbs from the table, down to the little birds waiting at her feet. "He did not, but you shall dine with us as my attendant. I will not allow him to prolong this nonsense of his. I have a plan, or rather, a ruse. When he arrives, I will not introduce you. He knows well he cannot ask your name if I do not offer it, so let us see how he behaves toward you without his prejudices blinding him, shall we?"

"My lady, I should like him to know it is me, as soon as he sees me. Perhaps, with so much time passed, he has forgotten the things he once said."

"Has he written to you, even once, in all these years?" Tanu-Hepa asked, soft.

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