"Are they now?" He nods.

When he pulls the cloth back from my face, he places the back of his hand on my forehead and frowns. "Jo I think you're sick. You're still really hot."

"Why, thank you. You're not so bad yourself," I tease him but he only raises his eyebrows at me, as if saying 'I'm serious.'

I roll my eyes, "I'm fine Louis, just a little heated. I'll cool down eventually." I shrug and switch the knob to hot. Soon, I feel the water warm up, a big contrast from its just freezing temperature moments ago.

He doesn't look convinced but sighs and decides not to argue me about it, thankfully. Instead, he takes the cloth and soaps it up, before helping me wash my body, cheekily lingering on certain areas.

"Stop that!" I scold eventually, swatting his hand away again, "You're driving me nuts."

He laughs.


"Stay here," he tells me as he walks out of the extremely hot restroom in only his shorts to grab me some clothes, closing the door behind him.

As I stand and wait, I began to feel slightly light-headed. All this heat is beginning to set in.

I sit down and try to fan myself but it does nothing of course. I huff, but my breathing begins to increase and all of a sudden, I realize I'm gasping for air.

I'm hot. My apparent fever, the hot shower, and all this steam is not a good combination.

I go to stand, to splash cold water on my face, but feel my legs give out from under me. "Louis," I breathe weakly. I highly doubt he heard it. That was pathetic.

I'm breathing out nothing but my mouth now as I still lay helpless on the ground.

"Here," Louis comes back moments later into the bathroom. He holds garments of clothing in his hand but immediately drops it out of shock when he sees me.

"Baby? Baby what's wrong? What happened?" He asks frantically, bending down and lifting me up.

The only response I'm able to muster up is me fanning my face to give him a hint, and at the same time help myself. He immediately somewhat catches on, "I'm such a bloody idiot! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you in here with your fever and all this locked up steam."

He grabs another cloth and wets it, setting it on my forehead. "There, hold that there while I dress you so I can take you out of here and to lie down."

I weakly nod and hold it, just as he does so. Two minutes later when I'm dressed in shorts and a tank top, Lou hastily picks me up off the tile floor and makes his way to the exit. As he quickly passes through the restroom, I get a glance of the toilet. My stomach flips in an unsettling manner.

"Toilet." I mumble into his chest and I feel him make an immediate turn. I feel myself placed on the ground and don't think twice before vomiting into the appliance. Twice. I'm lucky I even made it.

He waits a few seconds to make sure I'm done, before picking me back up, placing the cloth back on my forehead, and then exiting the bathroom finally. I immediately welcome the cool air that hits me.

"I change my mind. You're not going anywhere today." He mumbles as he lies me down on the cold bed. I watch as he doesn't get on the bed but instead pulls up a chair in front of me. He grabs my hand and kisses it. "Go to sleep."


November 8: 5 days left

Louis would not let me leave bed. I continuously woke up in the middle of the night throwing up. He'd hold my hair back, help me clean myself up, and then still loosely cuddle me in bed.

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