Virgin Mary's Saint

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  It'd been quite some time since I last saw my grandmother. Her birthdays tomorrow, so my family and I are paying her a visit. There had been conflict between her and my mother over the past few years, truthfully, the reason seems unclear. There have been times when I ask my mother about it, but for some reason she always avoids the subject.

  My mother, father and I have been in the car for a couple of hours, and we've nearly arrived at my grandmother's house. I rest my head on the window, staring out of it. Numerous houses pass by, streetlights gradually began to turn on as the day faded into night. Some flicker on and off, and others shine steadily into the dark. The neighborhood looked... abandoned. Most of the bushes and shrubbery were overgrown along side houses that appeared to be broken in appearance. The screech of the break signaled that we had arrived at our destination. 

  "We're here," my mother spoke up from the front seat. I grabbed ahold of my bags that had been lying on the empty seat next to me and took a step out the car door, closing it behind me. I saw my mother turn to me and examine my face. She licked her thumb and pressed it against my face, cleaning off a speck of dirt. "My little boy has to stay clean and tidy, you know," she said, smiling. I smiled back. We made our way to the front porch, and my mother rang the doorbell. I scrutinize my surroundings as we waited patiently for the door to open. I couldn't see clearly, but from what little I could make out, the flowers in the distance were wilted, grass were dry and ragged, colored in browns and greens.

  I came back to reality as the door slowly crept open. I watch noiselessly as my grandmother walked out of her doorway and embraced my mother, my father, then finally me. 

 "It has been awhile, darling." My grandmother's voice sounded surprisingly lovely and polite. She gestured for us to step inside, and we gratefully obliged seeing as it was frigid outside. As we made our way through the doorway, my mother and grandmother continued to chat and make small talk. As for me, I turned my attention to the bright, colorful room. There were many scrupulously, intricate paintings. Most of which were, like the room, vivid and vibrant. I felt a tug on my sleeve and turned to see my father, grabbing the bags that I had held. 

  "I'll take these up to your room. Chat with the lovely ladies for awhile, alright kiddo?" he said, giving me a brief smile. I nodded, heading to the couch where the said "lovely ladies" were currently sitting. I walked over to my grandmother and gave her another hug. "Hello, sweetie!" my mother said happily. 

  "Oh deary, Laura. Little ol' Matthew has grown since the last time I saw him," my grandmother spoke as she tugged on my cheeks, it slightly stung as they turned a shade of red. My mother laughed. 
  "Yes, he's growing up to be a fine young man. Quite the gentleman," she said, looking at me. I rolled my eyes. Women could be so dull.
  I heard my father's footsteps as he walked back down the wooden stairs. He had finished placing our things in our rooms. "Alright, kiddo," the tall man said, placing his hand over my head. "Go unpack and get some rest." I nodded, rising from the couch and gave my Grandmother a goodnight hug, "It's great seeing you again," I tell her before heading upstairs to get some sleep.

  I opened the door to my room and entered. The place looked more dusty than it did the last time we visited. Paint was peeling off of the wall, some of it came in chunks of old powdered paint. I walked over to my suitcases and unpacked, placing my clothes into my old drawer. I set the ones I planned to change into aside as I continued digging into my bag. This time I pulled out a plain-looking metal clock. It's digital numbers lit up green as I plugged it into the electrical port that was installed into the wall. I placed it on the nightstand near my bed. I didn't pack much, since we'd only be here for two days. I pulled my shirt over my head and threw it onto the bed then slipped my pajama shirt on, which color was a plain black. I then exchanged my jeans for a pair of more comfortable dark blue sweat pants. Grabbing my toothbrush from my bag, I headed out the door to the bathroom. I paused on my way there, observing something rather unusual that was placed in the corner of the hallway. Something about it piqued my curiosity. The cloth, originally white, had specks of dirt all over it. Walking over to it, I slowly lifted the cloth up. Hidden beneath the fabric was a statue of Virgin Mary. Why was it covered up? It was none of my business. I shrugged it off and placed the cloth back over the statue, then continued on my way to the bathroom.

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