Silent Hunter

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This is Kreis Claudio, 15 years old. He has short brown hair, with manes that are rather long on both sides of his head. His build is quite thin and tall, and his pupils, like most Asians, are black.

He is currently a high school student, but due to the fact that he doesn't want to look too outstanding, as well as the fact that he doesn't usually interact with other students, he is not that famous in the class. He likes to read, especially books and comics with a scary genre, but he dislikes romantic stories; those kinds of genre are being used so much in so many books that it gives him goose bumps.

"Hm...this seems like a good book..." Taking the book from the bookshelf before
briefly reading the summary and some of the pages, Kreis returns to his seat.

"Hey! let's go hang out afterschool today!"
"Isn't there a newly-opened shop nearby? Let's go there!"
"Good idea! We can also go to..."

"Boring. Having to interact with a group of people is simply boring and annoying."
Kreis thinks to himself.

"But...I heard that a dorm of a higher vocational school near this place had a massacre
recently...All the students were killed!" Says Lucy, a classmate of Kreis.
"I know that!! The news reported it yesterday. So scary!" Kreis, interested by the topic, starts to lose his focus on the book, and instead listens to the conversation.
"Yeah! The murderer even drew smiley faces on the wall, using blood!"
"Woah! Looks like we're in danger too!...Lucy, I don't feel like hanging out now!"
"Me too! Let's go home early for today..."

"Heh..." Kreis smirks. "Massacre? Like I care. I'm not the victim, anyway" Without further thinking, Kreis' focus returns to his book.

As usual, Kreis spends the boring day reading his book, and when he comes back to his senses, it is already afterschool. Kreis puts on his earphone to listen to his MP3 music as he walks home. On his way home, he looks at the never-changing sky.
"...Have something interesting happen already..." Just when Kreis complains about his boring life, his music stops; his phone is ringing. He looks at his phone to see that the call came from his mother.
"Hello? Mom?" Unlike the usual reply she would usually give, Kreis only hears some weak whimper.
"Kreis..." Kreis' mother's words, along with choking sounds, can be heard.
"What's the matter?" Kreis frowns, and he starts to worry. He listens carefully, and hears peoples' cry, sirens from the firefighter trucks and the ambulance, as well as explosive sounds. But all these things are not as terrifying as Kreis' mother's next words.
"...Y-Your dad...he's...dead..."

Those words struck through Kreis' heart like a knife. His mother's cries surround his ears, and despite his desire to say something, he just can't. After a while, he finally
regains his senses, and said:
"Mom, where are you?"
"Your d-dads... factory..."
"...I'll be right there!" Kreis ends the call, and starts running as fast as he can. "Shit...!"

Not only is his family broken...Kreis did not hear that one sound...
the sound of his breaking life.


The factory gate is surrounded by passersby interested in the accident. After some hard work, Kreis finally passes through the crowd, but he is then stunned by the scene in front of him.

The huge flame devours the whole factory, the windows release huge clouds of smoke that dyes the sky black, and small, frightening explosions from within the building can often be heard. Such horrible scene can even be seen from afar. Despite their best efforts, the firefighters still cannot completely extinguish the wild flames.At the parking lot, there are hundreds of wounded people, medical staffs, and family members related to the victims. The air is filled with miserable and desperate cries. No word other than hell can best describe this scene.

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