
"Peter can we change the music?!" I yelled over the rock song while covering my ears. "No," he replied and turned the dang song up even louder. I groaned and covered my ears with my hand. I felt a nudge and looked over at Jacob right next to me.

Oh yeah, did I tell you that Jacob and I got stuck sitting in the back? Yeah, lucky me!

"Here," he handed me his Beats headphones and plugged it into his phone. It was loud enough to drown out the awful music and a soft melodic sound came through. Jacob leaned over and unbuckled my seatbelt and pulled me closer to him. I stared at him in shock and embarrassment.

"It's more comfortable this way," he replied his cheeks reddening. I nodded since I could hardly speak then sat still as he buckled me in. "Thanks," I replied my voice coming out in a breathy whisper. Jacob turned away from me and focused his gaze outside of the car. I settled into my spot and leaned my head back-listening to the soothing music.

There weren't any words but the music is so moving and passionate. I love the sound of piano in it's most vulnerable state. It is able to portray what the artist is feeling through the notes of each key. Suddenly I felt myself falling into a deep dreamless sleep.


I woke up feeling groggy from my unexpected nap. I rubbed my eyes, thankful that I wasn't wearing any make-up so I wouldn't chance in smearing it. I looked around and was suddenly confused. I was in someone's bedroom and I don't know how or who might have carried me here.

"Angelina are you awake now?" Hannah pops her head in the door and grins at me. "Great you're awake! Come on grab your swimsuit, we're heading out to the lake!" Hannah chirps excitedly. I groaned and flopped back on the bed. I was still tired.

Nonetheless, I dragged myself out of bed and brought my suitcase towards the bed. I flopped it on the bed and groaned at how heavy it was. "What did Hannah put in here? My closet," I chirped irritatedly to myself.

I opened my suitcase and gasped! Most of these clothes were much too revealing for my taste! I'm going to kill her!

I rummaged through the clothes and tried to find a decent outfit. I pulled out several swimsuits which were mostly bikinis. I didn't even know I own this many.

I settled for a baby pink fringe bandeau top and a black string bottom. I saw a beige cover up and put that on. I walked into the adjacent bathroom and pulled my hair up into a messy bun. Satisfied with my outfit, I slipped on a pair of black flip flops and headed out.

"About time the princess graced us with her presence," Peter teased warning a glared from me. I did the 'I'm watching you' gesture. He just laughed. "Hannah! You are in trouble missy!" I glared at my best friend whom was giving me an innocent smile. I wasn't going to give into her evil ways which I usually do-but not this time!

"What did the demon child do?" Jacob asked me. Hannah scowled at Jacob and sticks her tongue out at him which he returned as well. I rolled my eyes at the both of them, acting like children. "Nothing," I replied hoping he wouldn't push the subject. "Okay, everyone ready? The lake isn't too crowded so we'll have a lot of fun!" Jacob told us excitedly. I giggled-his excitement rubbing off on me.

"Angelina and I want to go tubing first!" Hannah called dibs. I nodded in agreement. I've never gone tubing but I heard it was awesome! I never realized how much of a sheltered child I was. That's all going to change, it's time I enjoy my life.

We walked on the deck towards Jacob's boat. "Do you know how to drive this thing?" I asked Jacob, falling in step with him. He nods and grin at me. "Yep! Have been since I was three!" I couldn't help but smile as his was very contagious. "I'm SO excited!" I exclaimed skipping towards the boat.


"Okay ladies first?" Peter wiggled his eyebrows gesturing to Hannah and I. We grinned at each other excitedly. "Strip then!" Peter smirked smugly. I threw a water bottle at him and laughed when it caught him by surprise and fell off of his chair. Would've been funnier if he fell out of the boat. But that wouldn't be nice of me...

"C'mon Lina! Let's go!" Hannah slipped out of her cover up and strapped a life vest on. I gulped nervously and pulled my cover up off. I glanced at Jacob whom was staring at me blankly. I'm glad the guys didn't notice that I was nervous. I've always been so insecure about my image. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it.

"Here lemme get this for ya," Jacob strapped the vest around me and tightened the buckles. "Ready?" he whispered. I nodded and gave him a nervous smile.

Hannah and I stepped off of the platform and jumped onto the tube. We screamed thinking we were about to fall, but we managed to balance together. "How do you ladies want to do this? Slow? Fast?" Peter asked pervertedly with a knowing smirk. I rolled my eyes and looked at Hannah. We grinned at each other and replied simultaneously, "fast!"

"Rodger that!" Jacob saluted and grinned evilly at Peter. "Hold on tight!" Peter yelled as the boat roared to life. Hannah and I screamed excitedly as we started to go fast and then faster.

"I think they're trying to throw us!" Hannah yelled. I closed my eyes as the lake water splashed on my face. "Hold on tighter then!" I yelled back happily. I was ready for a challenge. I'm actually surprised at my new profound confidence. Ever since I started being around Jacob-this adventurous side of me has come out. I cheered with joy as we went around the lake.

Finally, we stopped and the boys gave us a high five. "How was your first tubing experience?" Jacob asked, his eyes twinkling with joy. I smiled back and replied, "it was the best thing ever! I wanna go again!" Everyone laughed, Peter shrugging and looking at Hannah.

"I need a minute after that. I'm not an energizer bunny unlike miss thing over here," Hannah teased. I stuck my tongue out at her and laughed. "I don't want to go by myself!" I complained. I looked over at Jacob and gave him my puppy dog eyes. "Can you ride with me?" I pleaded. Jacob tried to resist but soon gave in. I jumped with glee and climbed onto the tube once again. "Now, go really, really fast!" I told Peter.


*******ANOTHER UPDATE!*******




Louisa Ann

Sugar Lips | Completed 2015Where stories live. Discover now