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Back to work you go, sadly. Don't we all just want to sit and relax while making money at the same time? Unless your a Netflix tagger your life is full of work and dedication. Maybe not a lot but in law school, it's all you focus on. Getting the bad guy in jail, protecting the good guys, make your accusations and reasons so good people sit with open mouths.

Like Annalise.

Except, she doesn't always protect the good guy, and sometimes the innocent goes to jail. She says it's not about who is innocent or not, her job, my future job, is to defend the accused no matter what they did.

In your head, it sounds like it's all for the money.

You walk into the huge classroom, early. The door was unlocked. You sit and read over a few cases, remind yourself of certain vocabulary that should always be used, precedents for upcoming cases. Just being prepared. As you do, the door opens and Wes walks in. Early as well.

"Class doesn't start for another 20 minutes." He says stopping in his tracks and glances at his watch then back to you. Shoving his hand into his pocket, the other lean arm carrying his bag full of lawyer terms and papers about things no one ever understands until the day before it's due.

"Alone time isn't all bad." You say capping the red pen in your hand and closing your notebook. Wes starts to walk towards you with a weak smile and talks in a soft voice.

"Some people don't like being alone, and would like to know what's going on in that gorgeous head of yours. You weren't okay last night, didn't call yesterday. I was worried." He lightly placed himself in the seat next to you, holding your hand to show a sign of affection.

"I'm sorry, I just... can we talk about it over dinner?" You look at him hoping he'll say yes.

"When? Tonight?"

"If we're not held up with research, yeah. I just don't want to distract you." He brings your hand to his lips kisses it, his lips were beyond soft and sweet.

"Your presence alone is distracting! I think I'll be fine, but dinner sounds really nice so it's a date."

"Great, I love you. Remember that, and I always will." You give him a kiss in the lips.

"And I'll never stop."

"Were kind of cheesy but it's a cute cheesy."

"Like cheesy crust pizza." The two of you joke around and laugh at the sudden interest in super cheesy foods.

"Or a grilled cheese sandwich."

"I think our cheesy is a gouda cheesy!"

"I can't with you." You say bringing your hands to your face to somehow hide away from the cringy jokes he was making. Gently he pulls them away and stares into your eyes.

"But you do." He kisses you, way better than your ex, tangling his arms around your waist as both of you lean back and one kiss turns in to tons. With every touch your spine stretches to other seats till you both are spread out among them like tarps.

"Don't make out in my chair! That's disgusting!" Connor abruptly interrupts disgusted at the sight occurring in his seat. Behind him, the rest of the class enters. Struggling to get up, the two of you pull yourselves together because, well, it was time for class.

A/N: sorry, this one was short! Wanna spend more time on this cover and a paper for school.

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