Chapter 5: I want to go out

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Taemin's P.O.V

I took Naeun's hand and dragged her over to sit down. We sat down our backs leaning against the big mirror in the practice room. We sat next to each other still panting from making out.

"Tell me: how have you been, Naeun-ah?"
"I've been doing alright, Oppa. But I missed you more than usual. I wanted to see you more than usual."
"Me too. I've been worrying a lot."

I stood up and gave Naeun-ah my hand to hold.
"I've been practicing for too long already. Let's go for a walk."

She hesitated but then took my hand.
"Inside the building?"

I pulled her up and kept holding her hand.
"Wherever you want"

I let go of her hand. "Wait for a while, I gotta change. The shirt's all sweaty."
I took a towel and a new shirt out of my bag.
"Don't look" I said and turned around.

I saw her roll her eyes as I turned around and chuckled.
"Does it really matter?" she shouted.

"It does!"

"By the way: where are the others?" Naeun-ah asked as we walked hand in hand down the corridor.
"No idea. Should I call Amber-noona?"

"Actually that can wait. I'd like some more time for just us" she said and smiled cutely.

"Well then should we escape so they won't find us? How much time do you have?"
"I'm completely free today. I have to record tomorrow. What about you?"
"Me too. I've got a shoot late at night. So I should sleep a little before that."

We kept on walking and people were looking at us surprised at first but then started smirking.

We arrived at the lobby after wandering aimlessly for a while.
"Do you want to go to a café?" I asked her.

She looked at me surprised and let go of my hand. "But something could happen"
"What do you mean?"
"You know, fans and paparazzo and stuff."
"Didn't we go public so we can can date openly?" I asked and added a little aegyo. I knelt down a bit so I could look up at her with puppy eyes.

"Well that's true.. alright, let's go out"
I suddenly felt bad for using aegyo.
I looked her in the eyes.
"We don't have to if you really don't want to, you know."
"No, it's okay" she said and started walking towards the door.
"Wait, Naeun-ah, it's not okay. If something happens, I will never forgive myself for asking you to go out."

"I want to go out" she said.
"Let's go out. We've never had an open date."

"All right" I opened my bag and took out a face mask and a cap and wore them both.

"Do I still look like a celebrity?" I asked Naeun-ah.
"Yes" she giggled.
"But you don't look like Lee Taemin right away."

"Well that's a relief" I said sarcastically.

Naeun's P.O.V

I looked around carefully.
Nobody was looking at us.
I turned my head right and left.

Suddenly someone was holding my head still.
"You're too conscious. People will look if you act like that" Oppa said. He switched to hold my left hand with his right hand and put his left hand on my left shoulder.

I nodded and looked up at him. He was holding his head up high not bothering to hide his face.
He looked down at me and smiled reassuringly.

Seeing him smile made me smile as well. I stared at his face just a little too long and tripped over my own feet.
He caught me quickly.

"Are you okay?" He asked And supported me while I tried to find my balance.

You're the reason I tripped, pabo-ya.

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