22 You Are A Tourist

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{ Thats how i like to dress/ make up/ glasses except i obviously dont have that super cool plaid cardigan or the beast ass hair. The song is a loved one. }

Im in a more normal chapter in my life im not at all where i was in chapter 1. Recently i seem to be having some luck in the love department. Which is shitty cause ive never wanted to be more single than right now. I wanna write this down for when i feel ugly. Like 4 months ago i had 4 people after me relatively same time. It was like this douche i forgot the name of, mey, nely and borre. Nely is a girl. I DONT KNOW WHAT IS LIFE ANYMORE HOW DID THIS HAPPEN. I was pretty overwhelmed i had just broken up with her and then the 3 where seeing who i would start dating between them 3. Schemes and shit. I know cause they told me later on. (Christmas vacation) Then this guy i was aware of in jr high starts talking to me saying i was his crush that whole time and he wouldnt leave me alone so i had to say i had a boyfren. Like the next day mey tried to kiss me like 5 times like he had before but not so fucking frequently. We are at school so basicaly during breaks when we all hang out. At the end of the day this bich<3  is pushing his buttons and she put me on the spot like why dont you go out already whats wrong and i was speachless, right then and there tries again and lmao, i said " ya urgido!"  and kicked him im pretty sure thats the equivalent to hurried/horny in english. This bich<3 starts laughing her ass off and mey backs away kinda looking down and hurt. (Feeling empowered) I didnt want to be there at all and i flew the fudge away to my last class of the day. In that class the new kid and i start hitting it off and he keeps mentioning his best girl friend asking if i would ever go out with her  like he keeps on interogating me until im like dude no not going to happen stop. He still wants to please his friend so hes like fine let me just introduce you, i like helping and being nice so im like fine. We go, she isnt there, he calls, he says that shes hiding, passes me to her. And im like suave a fuck she on the other end chuckling and being super shy it was cute so i was entrigued for a second.  Yeah that was nice since that was monday and i had had a Terrible weekend.

Im gonna list them with their respective points. Points of how much i like them as human beings. Cronologicaly. For the heck of it.


Only i know the cronological order them

Dude ive only dated 2 ppl in my life i am not a slut nor do i flirt all around town, but i have crushes on several people, now that im kinda over my ex; feels are getting more frequent. I hate having crushes cause i cant talk about it they are our friends and i feel stupid and invisible. Im so confused at the moment about my future, in my family, in my shit love life, in me and my decisions. Everyone back up please.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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