5 going deep w/noragami xD

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      Sooooo i was on a website w recently dubbed shows and i found Noragami!!!! Holy crappp it was beautiful. I randomly watchd ep 9 the one were they like exorsize Yukine. As he was confessing his issues, his sins, what he feels i was like well damn i feel really alot like that.
      Like i feel (first of all i used to be rich sun through sat from 2001 to 2012 so ive lived the boring american girl life (atleast for a split second)) like everybody has all their oportunities and they can do anything yet they choose to do boring things. For image, rep, parents, future, fear etc. So Yukine was talking sort of that and he lashed out not exactly for attention but out of spite. He feels alone, unecessary, and like a loser, that it isnt fair hes a good person. hehe wata coincidence.
    Then i was curious well how does yukine get better???! A= confess his sins. Ummm well im not religous so idk if its just more difficult for me to do that. Kay. I've told many lies without hesitation in my life. I have stolen liquor on a week day. I have shoplifted. I have ditched class(technicaly). I have hurt others, feelings. I have gotten drunk stolen beer. B-esd an exam. Etc Etc. I dont regret it though /: if i hadnt i would probably regret not taking a chance and doing it. Does that make me a bad person though, like in Noragami? Yukine was cleansed by admitting he did bad things. I feel like him so should i admit ive done bad things to be cleansed? Im not sure if this thought is even rational.
        I can tread the line now doing things and pretty easily getting away with it what about when im older things are more complicated and serious. What is a "bad"person? Cuz i dont feel like a bad person. If i am a bad person should i do something(xD) about it ?
         Me and yukine's internal problems arent the same but as i was watching i couldnt help but analyze myself and try to be my own therapist. Thats basicaly the silver lining of this late night post. On another note i also couldnt help but wonder if one of the reasons Noragami is such a loved anime is because the characters are so relatable. Seriously like if you arent like yukine your probably like hiyori and if not like yato. The three cover alot humans(?). Humans sounds wierd but i know what i meen. The comedy, the bromance even with hiyori lol, the music the voice actors, dialoge, the VISUALS gadamn i love that fricken anime.
       *sigh* what do i do with so many deep thoughts man, im tired.

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