9 Supernatural S10 finale

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    I personally havent really liked season ten atall. Especially Sam in all of this i feel like jared has just been shitting the character especially this season.
    No seriously he looks like hes about to cry ALL OF THE TIME after he came back from the demon blood fiasco like egh its just idk he isnt convincing. Also season 10 when sam and dean did talk they always said the same arguments. Like they argued the whole time and at the last second dean just goes a third route murders death and has the mark of kain taken off without permission or planning. Thats fine i guess, i wasnt pissed ended on a good note.
      Also feel like they killed off toooo many people this season especially since nothing happend. Starting with claires mom totaly unecessary. Charlie of course but i honestly never liked her that much still uncalled for. I was mostly angry when they killed off the last styne kid, would have been the perfect oportunity to go back to him later next season. He was also on mother freaking Being Human as Aiden's kid where he was also killed off btw!
     There are also other small things that were just unrealistic for example how Dean jus beat the shit out of cas and cas took it like he tried then gave up. Like you cant have a trench coat and be a pussy.
    No but the actual finale was good. Death came back breefly was a lil qt for five mins dont know if dean ment to kill him or not but watevs. Deans unraveling made sence. Sam was just idk his character isnt that solid. Nobody he cherishes not even an ex gf to remember they are all dead cas is only there for dean so is crowely xD he doesnt do anything cool he is just sad allthe time, charlies dead. I meen this is about sam and dean right why is all the action on him he even had a touching moment with claire jeez.
    One part i didnt like was the last fight scene with sam and dean like he ran out of redundant things to say they just started punching eachother so that the show could end with sam on the floor bleeding crying and dean almost kills him but SHOCKING doesnt kill him then he walks out lik im fine. No blood in his teeth, hair on fleek and deans hand is fine to top it off the car gets in a ditch. No no i almost forgot when dam gave him those shitty ass photos of him and his mom and they hecka zoomed in idk it was dumb. Why wasnt there a photo of bobbie or jo or charlie or freaking his old family Ben and his mom (ifergot her name) but they really loved each other and he was "family" but no noooo pictures of them to bring him back from his breaking point. Just his mom from when he was six.
    I liked the parts with Rowena towards the end became my fave villain. When cas summoned crowely was funny. Dean waa really good at being a douche bag the part with him interogating the abusive parents was spot on.
    When the "darkeness" was unleashed  i was laughing cause they unlesshed like voldemort and his death eaters.
      One last thing i watched the supernatural comic con and jared said that his scene with jensen at the end realllly struck a cord with him and i was just lik wtf the dialog on that scene wasnt heart warming AT ALLL.

Sorry i didnt capitalize anything lol supernatural is still the best its the show that started it alllll for me seriously if hadnt found supernatural around 4 years ago i never would have found switched at birth and joined twitter and discoverd the harry potter fandom and gotten into books and harry potter and tv and tv lead to Anime! Which later lead to wattpad. Yay bai gunna go watch season 11 woooh

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