(EDITED)Chapter 1: A Monster?

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You had tears in your eyes, ever since you got mutated you ran away from your old home.You mutated into a wolf,with yellowish eyes and dark grey fur, you had a scar in your left eye from a Kraang droid. You ran on the rooftops swiftly while panting, the cold night breeze made your fur sway as you ran.

The moon was shining bright as the stars twinkled, you stopped by a rooftop and stared at the sky, you thought nobody is trust-worthy anymore. You had a bit of a temper in your new wolf self that you're afraid you cannot control, when it comes to socialization you dare not to come in contact with anybody.You sighed and laid your head in your paws, with your tail wrapped around you. You were thinking about your family, friends, and grandparents..

They meant a lot to you, along with your pet husky, Toby, he was the best pet you have ever had since you were about five years old. In the distance a dark silhouette was watching you, it was the turtle known as Leonardo. He watched you carefully along with your features, he was not too far from you only about an apartment building away. Your wolf senses sensed his prescence and it made your ear twitch, then you stood up sniffing the air and jumping towards the apartment rooftop he stood on.

He hid behind an air vent and stayed silent, you growled lowly while showing your razor-sharp canines. When Leo didn't hear you he stood up from his hiding spot, then he heard growling and panting. He turned around when you pinned him down and growled at him, he was surprised.

You loose your angered look and stare in his blue eyes, he stared at your yellowish ones at the same time.You snap out of your trance and take a few steps back getting off him, he stared at you curiously. You put your ears down a little showing that you were no longer harmful to him, he slowly stood up and walked towards you. You open your mouth slightly to show off your teeth, he backed away a little before putting am arm out(like Hiccup in HTTYD lol :P), you look at it curiously and took a step forward.

He nodded and signaled you to come closer, you came closer slowly and sniffed his hand when you were close to it, he watched carefully and nervously. Then you sat down and put your head under his palm allowing him to pet you, he slowly put his other hand on your head and stroked you, his touch was gentle and soft against your fur, he smiled a little and stroked you gently. You calmed down and sat near him, he sat down by your body as you wrap your tail around him.

"What's your name?" He asked, he really did not know you could speak, nor did he expect you to.

"[Y/N].." You said softly, he flinched a little when you spoke, he never really expected it.

"Oh, well I'm Hamato Leonardo, but call me Leo instead." He smiled lightly. You smile as well then look away, his smile faded and he stroked you once more catching your attention.

"What's wrong [Y/N]?" He asked softly still stroking you, you put your ears down and started tearing up. He was a little taken back since he thought he made you cry.

"Nothing.." You say between sniffs, he wasn't convinced though.

"Tell me, please [Y/N].." He says gently and stared at you, you sigh and close your eyes.

"Alright.." Then you told Leo about how you got mutated, how your family got killed because of your mutation, and how you lived miserably for ten years. He felt pity for you and he hugged you tight, your foreheads touch affectionately. When you pulled away you smile lightly and lick his nose making him blush, he sadly says he has to go and asked if you wanted to go with him since you lived alone, you hesitated but said yes and followed him to his home.

Something Else... (TMNT Leo X Reader) (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now