Chapter 3.

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Taemin opened his eyes slowly at the sound of the school bell ringing. Finally, he carefully lifted himself out of the still enlarging salty pool underneath him. He had to hurry down the stairs and out the gates before he was locked in.

Taemin had to get home even if he didn't want to because he still had to get his stuff and leave their former apartment for good.

He made his way down and noticed that every soul was gone except for the professors. Taemin didn't want anyone to see his shaking figure, so that was a kind of a plus. He was trembling, failing to hold back the tears that hadn't stopped since last night.

As he passed through the gate, his mind went blank. He didn't want to think anymore. He just wanted to get to the apartment, pack, and then run away from everything Minho for the rest of his life.

Taemin's eyes seemed to glaze over as he walked the familiar path that he and Minho had taken many times before. He remembered them pausing every few moments for a quick, but passion filled kiss. Taemin unconsciously chuckled at the thought that this turned a five-minute walk into an unusually long twenty minute one. He didn't notice his little slip-up, however, because his mind was numb as he kept on walking.


As Taemin finally made it back to the apartment he had wanted to forget, a tightness started in his heart, and a knot twisted in his stomach. His somewhat dried face soon got wet again when laid his forehead on the front door.

Taemin fumbled with his keys that had been in his pocket after a minute of quiet sobbing. He looked at all the little key chains littering the ring, and his eyes settled on the big-eyed frog that hung lower than the rest of the tchotchkes.

The frog's face morphed into Minho's, the big frog eyes still prominent. Just holding the keys attached brought the memory of the first time Taemin had used them with Minho's big, warm hand overflowing into his head.

Taemin shook his head for what seemed like the millionth time today and unlocked the door. He winced at the click of the lock turning and slowly turned the handle. The door (thankfully) fluidly opened without so much as a creak. Taemin wasted no time hurrying into the bedroom right after scurrying through the door of the apartment. He shut the door with no noise except a small click that seemed like a roar in the tiny, silent apartment.

Taemin heard a gasp and immediately after, a crash of glass shattering in the kitchen across the way.

Taemin was frozen with his hand and the doorknob, fear overcoming him. He knew that facing Minho would only hurt him more now than ever. Taemin eventually moved his hand away from the knob and turned on his heels to face the drawer that held both his and Minho's things, unfolded clothes confined inside.

He knew he was never going to be able to get Minho's scent out of his own clothes, even if he dry cleaned them a million times. They had been together for too long for it to fade.

Tears threatened to drip at the thought, but there was work to be done; and fast. Taemin found his suitcase in the closet underneath all the gifts that Minho had given him over the years. He never thought he would ever have to crack this thing open again, so it had been forgotten up until now. He and Minho had been happy with what they had and didn't think they would ever move, so packing supplies were always stored away, all of them collecting dust as the years went by.

Taemin turned to the drawers, ignoring all the moments that he and Minho had shared that were strewn across the floor from Taemin's search for the suitcase. He opened them and took out everything that was his and fit it in the suitcase as best he could, but it still wasn't enough room for everything no matter what he did. He remembered that he still had his dancing bag in the closet, and turned towards it to go and get it. Taemin froze when he heard the door handle jiggle.


A/N: Dun, dun, DUUNNN!!! (that cliffhanger, though! I know I'm evil >:) )

I am so sorry to all of my readers that have patiently waited over a month for this update!! *bows until headache*

I have had a lot going on, so I haven't able to write all that much with all the stress of school and other stuffs... I hope that everyone understands that it's not that I forget about all you beautiful people who are reading this... I love you all!!

*squeezes* Thank you all again for reading. I really do appreciate it! >w< *waves*

Through the Pouring Rain - 2min / Taeminho (Taemin X Minho)Where stories live. Discover now