Chapter 2.

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Taemin was soaked, freezing, and aching all over from staying in the same spot all night on cold concrete as he trudged his way to school, SM University. It had stopped raining hours ago, but his overflowing tears had kept his clothes wet.

Taemin rubbed his watery, red, and puffy eyes, and made his way through the white glossy gates. He didn't want to go, but he had to because being expelled would cause his heart to crack even more. Then he snapped his head up and ran his hand through his chestnut hair when he realized it: Minho was in almost all of his classes. He would have to see the one who broke his heart every hour of the day.

More tears spilled when he looked up at the thought, but he still did his best to put his cute, bubbly mask on before walking into the class with his head almost level. He was having to fight to refrain from looking down and provoking probing questions from his classmates.

On instinct, the second Taemin walked through the door, his eyes floated over to Minho's seat. This was a habit he had made before... before yesterday. His eyes widened to see Minho's chair empty and unmoved from its spot.

Taemin was a little late for class so he had earned some stares from various students, but his heart had lifted slightly from the bottom of his stomach, and he barely noticed them. He was just a little bit happier because he didn't have to see Minho at all as he took his seat next to the now only empty chair in the entire classroom.

Taemin remembered specifically asking for this seat way back when the school year had started. He remembered Minho's big warm hand squeezing his pale and delicate one. The small ministration had given him the courage to walk up to the teacher and ask.

Tears started to well up as memories of all the partner work he and Minho had done flooded into his mind. All the projects and papers that always got interrupted by sweet kisses flashed in front of him.

Taemin laid his head on the desk, trying to block out the lecture of the day, and turned away from Minho's desk, tears falling onto the wood and floor.


Taemin loathed every minute of class. When the bell finally rang, it seemed like everyone in the entire room swarmed Taemin's desk.

"Taemin! What's wrong?

"You were soaked from head to toe!"

"Why were you late?"

All these questions that filled his ears just made Taemin bury his face within his arms even deeper. Then one voice in the crowd made its way past his barrier of flesh around his head.

"Where's Minho?"

Taemin shot up to see a boy with his face close enough to his own that he could smell intoxicating fruity perfume wafting off of him.

Taemin didn't recognize the boy at first because of the scowl that adorned his face. Then realization washed over him and tears started to push past his mental dam he was trying so hard to keep pushed up to keep himself sane.

The swept hair that was shaved on one side; the lean, but somewhat muscular body; the fox-like features.

The person towering over his desk was none other than Kim Kibum: the diva of SM University, or, as Taemin knew him now, the boy who was kissing Minho under cover of rain.

It was Kim Kibum that had torn them apart. Kim Kibum had made Taemin cry for hours on end. Kim Kibum had made him not come home all night. And now, Kim effing Kibum was asking where Minho was? The fox-faced boy had some nerve to even try this, but Taemin just shook his head and answered, "Why do you need to know?" with as straight a face he could muster, his trembling lip not helping his case at all.

Kibum's eyes widened for a split second, and Taemin felt a bit of satisfaction. He managed to turn up the corners of his mouth by a millimeter, making sure the older didn't notice. Then Kibum's dumbfounded stare of surprise turned into a furious one, full of anger.

"Because I do."

Taemin's face didn't change at all as he immediately shot back, "Why do you think I should know?"

"You two are dating aren't you?..." Kibum said with a sudden sickeningly sweet knowing smile, full of teeth.

That was all it took. All the tears threatening to show themselves moments ago dripped down Taemin's face as he hung his head.

He heard everyone around him gasp. Taemin knew that everyone thought he and Minho were a match made in heaven. He knew that all of them, except for the ecstatic diva in front of him, knew absolutely no reason as to why he and Minho would ever break up after four years of love and passion.

Although he didn't face it with his own eyes, Taemin knew that Kibum had an even worse knowing smirk across his smug face.

"Oh, you're not? That's too bad."

Then Kibum walked off with a pep in his step followed by everyone walking to lunch. Every one of them stared at Taemin's frail frame for a moment or two at the door.

Taemin was hungry and hurt even more than he could have even dreamed possible, but he didn't care. He wanted nothing more than to be able to march out of there and wipe that smirk off of Kibum's face, but he felt too weak to do anything but sit and think at the moment. Taemin thought of ditching, but he threw that idea away in a heartbeat. If Minho wasn't at school, he would most likely be at their apartment a block or two away from the school.

But then again, why did he even care. It was painfully obvious that Minho didn't love him anymore. Minho went behind his back and was seeing that idiot Kibum who had walked past a little over ten minutes ago. Well, as far as he knew anyway. He knew in the back of his mind that he really didn't know what had happened, really. He didn't know if Minho really had cheated...

Taemin finally regained some of his composure and shook his head out of his thoughts to pack his things, which he had barely even touched. And slid his less than willing legs out the door and up the stairs to the roof.


Taemin was seated in his little hideaway on the school's roof the rest of the day, and all the while he was thinking about the fact that he may have messed up somewhere. Taemin had jumped to conclusions and thought that Minho had cheated and wanted to leave him forever, but now Taemin was having second thoughts on the matter. Minho wouldn't have come back screaming Taemin's name through the streets, looking for him if he didn't love-- Taemin didn't even want to finish that thought... He buried his head in his hands and sobbed. He knew it was over, but he still didn't want to believe that fact.


A/N: Thank you, everyone, so much for reading this chapter!! *bows*

*shields Key umma* Please, please, please don't hate Key umma!! I know that this chapter made him be really mean to Taeminnie, but it was only because he fit my description of the person I wanted to have kissed Minho ><

Through the Pouring Rain - 2min / Taeminho (Taemin X Minho)Where stories live. Discover now