38- Epilogue

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Je t'aime plus que tout.”

J'aime que vous mangez en-ciel?”

“You just told me that you love that I eat rainbows,” Braeden laughed at me, kissing my nose gently. “I don’t eat rainbows, love.”

“Shut up,” I giggled, jokingly pushing his shoulder. “I’m still learning.”

Vous l'aurez finalement, l'amour,” He grinned.

“I’ll get it eventually,” I translated. “That’s what you said, right?”

“Yes,” He nodded. “See? You’re practically a native.”

“I’m practically screwed,” I huffed, releasing the heavy moving box from my grip and took a seat on Braeden’s lap since he was sitting down on the couch. “If I’m going to be going to school here for a whole semester, I need to know French. We’re in France.”

“You’re doing just fine,” He assured me. “And if anything goes wrong, I’m here. But you really do have most of it down.”

I leaned up and wrapped my arms around his neck, giving him a lingering kiss. “Make out with me to make me feel better,” I jokingly pleaded.

He laughed, fanning my lips with his warm breath, and then complied with me, pressing his lips to mine for a long make out session on our new couch.

“We have boxes to unpack,” I mumbled as he started suckling on my neck.

Vous avez commence,” Braeden whispered in my ear.

I gigged, translating that to ‘you started it’ and then used all the will power I had in the world to stand back up. “I’m serious, my mom’s coming over in three hours to check out the place and I want it to look a little bit presentable when she gets here.”

“Okay,” He sighed with a wide smirk. “And then we can try out our new bed.”

“And then we can totally try out our new bed,” I agreed breathlessly.

“But that was our first make out on the couch, so I think that’s pretty special.”

“That is pretty special,” I nodded with a giggle. “Start unpacking the kitchen.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” He teased, grabbing one of the boxes and taking it into the small kitchen across from the living room area. There were about eight or nine more boxes piled in the living room by the front door of our new apartment that needed to be dispersed throughout the living space so I was confident that we could get it done in no time at all. We didn’t have that much stuff though, because we were only going to be there for a semester, which is four and a half months, for our studying abroad program.

We were about to start the second half of our second year at the University of Alabama because I’d gotten accepted there when I filled out applications senior year. I guess, before Braeden even moved to Alabama, before I met him, he applied to a lot of colleges in Alabama just in case, and University of Alabama was one of them, so he got accepted there too and that’s where we went. After our three months in Paris, which were amazing, we went back home and started college. The next summer, after our first year there, we spent the next summer with Braeden’s mom in Australia and then we went back to Alabama to start our second year and then we decided to go abroad to Paris because we loved it so much the first time.

“Let’s go to the Eiffel tower tomorrow,” Braeden suggested randomly as I started stacking DVDs in our TV stand and he was in the kitchen area beside me putting away the bowls and plates in the cupboard.

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