Jail is fun

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Jail is fun! The events that unfolded that day changed my life.

Jackson sat down at his desk. I didn't want to stay in jail. I would have to escape again. I couldn't try and grab his gun again. That had failed twice. That's two too many times. I looked around the cell. I spotted a way. I picked up a piece of cement that had fallen from the wall. I began to mutilate the lock. This would take a while, and Jackson was noticing. Jackson came over to my cell. He grabbed the piece of cement. "Damnit!" I exclaimed.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He asked.
"Trying to escape." I admitted, turning my back to him. I thought this might tighten my security, but he laughed.
"Now that I know that you won't." He pointed out.
I turned around, and leaned up against the bars. "Well, if you wanted to let me out you could." I said, trying to win him over. We had shared feelings in the past. He put the piece of cement on his desk and turned back toward me, leaning against his desk. "I can't do that. Sorry."
"Pretty please?" I begged.
He walked up to my cell and leaned against the bars. "Nope."
I pouted. Now that he was leaning against the bars our faces were barely an inch apart. He wore an expression that I had never seen before on his face. Mischief. His eyes also seemed to be darting back and forth between my eyes and a place between my chin and nose.
"What are you thinking about?" I asked him, even though I had a vague idea.
"Well, you've had a shot at it, time for me to try." He leaned toward me, eliminated the inch between us, and kissed me. I was surprised by this. I had known he liked me, but I didn't know he had liked me as much as I had, him. I kissed back with fervor. I didn't even try to grab his gun. He smiled as he kissed me, reaching through the bars to wrap his arms around my waist. He pulled us as close as the bars between us would allow. I didn't realize the passion for which he had liked me, loved me. Until now, I hadn't realized how strongly I had felt for him. At that moment I made the decision I would stay in jail forever if I could stay with him. I reached through the bars and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. It was a little awkward with the bars, but not enough to make it uncomfortable.
I was disappointed when he pulled back. I noticed I needed to breathe. He must have noticed that while kissing; I didn't because my thoughts had been tied around him, nothing else.
"You're good." I noted. He smirked, something I had never seen on his face before today.
"You're not too bad yourself." He said.
I smiled, then I realized what it meant that he had kissed me first.
"You naughty boy." I said. "Last time I checked a detective isn't supposed to kiss a criminal no matter how much he likes her."
He seemed slightly amused by this comment. "Is that so?" He said. "I guess you can be my only exception."
Now it was my turn to be amused. "Am I really that good?"
"In my eyes, you are."
I smiled. "I'm not sure if you're that good." I told him.
"Hey!" He protested, "Just a minute ago, you said-"
I brought a finger down to his lips. "Maybe if you kissed me again, I would know." I decided.
He smiled. "Is that all?"

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