Chapter 9 - Its Not That Great

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A/N: thanks to all my friends who gave me ideas :)

Enjoyyy :)

Micah's POV

"What?" He asked, eyes wide.

"Were you in a gang?" I asked slowly, dreading the answer that I knew would come. It was obvious with his tough demeanor and big frame.

He sighed. "Yes."

"Stay away from me." I muttered, avoiding his eyes.

"W-what?" He croaked.

I ignored him and opened the door. I ran down the pathway, coming face to face with an upset Joshua standing in the doorway

"I'm sorry Josh, I should have listened to you." I said, choking up tears.

I knew their was no reason to cry, but Enrico seemed so loving and friendly. But I didn't want to be involve with a criminal who might have potentially done some things worse than the petty cash robbery or the unforgiving fights that deemed unacceptable in the eyes of the law.

Joshua cocked an eyebrow before storming off to Enrico's car. "Josh wait!" I yelled, running after him.

He wrenched open the door and pulled Enrico out by his collar, slamming him into the cars door. "What did you do?!" Josh yelled. I've never seen Joshua so angry before, he was always laid back.

Apparently, Enrico didn't like being manhandled, so he pushed Joshua away with such a force, that he stumbled a few steps backwards.

"I didn't nothing!" Enrico yelled back. "And I don't appreciate being thrown out of my car." He said threateningly.

"Tell me what you did to Micah!" Joshua shouted, pushing Enrico against the car.

The slam made my heart ram against my rib cage, sending ripples of fear throughout my body.

"Stop Joshua!" I cried out in a feeble attempt to calm him down.

"Okay, I've had enough." Enrico said before he pushed Joshua away. "I did nothing, nor would I ever do something to her. But you should really understand the concept of 'find stuff out' before you go all crazy on my ass." He continued, shocking both Joshua and I.

Enrico sighed. "She found out stuff that makes puts her in danger and-"

"What?!" I yelled.

"Listen, now that you know that I was part of that thing," He waved his hand. "I can't let you out of my sight."


"Because no one is suppose to know."

A raindrop landed on the tip of my nose, making me go cross eyed for a few seconds. Both Enrico and Joshua laughed at me before they abruptly stopped and glared at each other.

"Why not?" I asked as we walked back into my house.

Enrico sighed and sat down on the arm of the couch. "Because you might tell somebody," He gestured to Joshua. "And he might tell somebody and then the whole freaking world knows and even though I really, really hate them. I just can't allow that."

"Why do you hate them?" I asked curiously.

"That's a question I can't answer right now because I ran away from Italy for a reaso-"

"You ran away from Brazil?!" I shouted incredulously, staring at him as if he was stupid.

"How could you do that?! Brazil is like the best place in the world." I continued.

"It's not that great." He muttered.

"Well, I don't trust Micah to be around you so I'll try to be there at all times." Joshua interjected, looking slightly pissed.

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