PJ quickly walks in, his hand on a holstered gun in his pocket, but relaxing when he saw the empty room. He narrows his eyes as a cold breeze hits him, and notices the window open widely, the curtains billowing around it.

The Brit cusses under his breath as he quickly makes his way forward, just as he sees a car pull out of the lot and drive off quickly, too dark to see the license plate.

"Son of a bitch."

PJ snarls turning around to walk once again, his eyes landing on something in the corner of the room.

If he'd had any doubts that the two men were here they were quickly wiped away as he picks up a small gray beanie, which he had recognized from certain pictures, that belonged to Jack, this being confirmed by the bright green strand of hair that remained in the cap.

"I'll find you bastards..."

He snarls under his breath standing up and quickly walking out of the room with the cap in hand, each step showing his anger as he climbs into his car, quickly driving off in the direction the two went.

~~~~~~In the car~~~~~~

"So why the hell am I up at five thirty in the damn morning....?"

The Irish man finally asks, a bit more awake than he first had been, though still clearly drowsy.

"PJ was outside the motel..."

Mark responds simply, his hands tightly gripping the wheel as he kept his chocolate brown eyes on the road. Jack quickly jumps up, his blue eyes boring into Mark, who didn't return his look.

"What the hell!? How would he have known we were there??"

Jack questions loudly, his exhaustion clearly not bothering him as much as it had in the beginning. Mark shrugs his shoulder gently, his brain working in overdrive to figure that answer out himself, before it hits him.

"The Cashier from the convenience store."

Mark finally growls, mostly to himself slamming his hand against the wheel slightly. The Irish man narrows his eyes, silently urging the black haired man to continue.

"There was a picture of us at the register.... And the girl working... might have recognized me...."

Mark finally sighs, still forcing his eyes to stay on the road, not wanting to look into Jack's blue eyes, though he knew they were glaring at him.

"And you didn't think this was important to tell me!?"

The Irish man snarls loudly, his stress quickly shifting to anger, his tone simply making Mark's hands grip the wheel tighter as he shrugs.

"I wasn't sure if she actually recognized me... but she looked at me funny, and I don't know ok. I didn't think it was important."

Mark responds in a soft strained tone, trying his best to keep his voice neutral, and not give in to the anger that worked its way into his mind, Jack's anger filled aura not helping calm him in the slightest.

"You didn't think it was important!? You bastard we could've kept driving through the night instead of stopping! This is all your damn fault!"

Jack rants loudly worry clear in his voice though it was almost overpowered by anger. Mark finally releases a snarl, his brown eyes shooting a glare at the Irish man.

Secrets (Sequel to Danger In Love)Where stories live. Discover now