[07]- Chapter Seven

Start from the beginning

I giggled nervously. “Um, thank you so do you.” He chuckled at this and opened the passenger door for me. “Thank you.” He murmured a ‘you’re welcome’ as he shut the door behind him and walked over to the driver’s seat. As I waited for him, I buckled up and laid my purse on my lap.

A beat later, he hopped in, buckled up, started the engine, and began to drive. Once he was finished backing out of my parking lot, I asked, “Are you excited for Frozen?”

“Of course I am; this is going to be fun. Do you mind if we share a large bucket of popcorn?” Kale asked me.

“Sure, as long as you ask for extra butter.” I replied to him with a grin. He chuckled and I smiled in delight, his chuckles were so cute.

After our small chat, he turned on the radio and a comforting silence filled up the truck. I leaned back and closed my eyes, I haven’t seen my insecurity ghost for a while and maybe this meant I was making progress.

Suddenly my phone beeped, I opened my eyes and pulled it out of my purse. I noticed that Stef texted me: How’s the date going?

Ha-ha okay I guess, we are still driving there.

A beat later, she replied back: Okay? Just okay, you need to take it up a notch! Ask him out or something, he so likes you <3.

I chuckled. I don’t know…

“Who are you texting?” Kale suddenly asked me.

Looking up at him, I shrugged. “Stefanie, she’s obsessed with frozen so she’s like fangirling which I don’t blame her because it’s an amazing movie.”

“Ah, I see.” He said to me with a smile appearing on his lips. “Now, I really can’t wait to watch it.”

“You’ll love it!”


As soon as we walked into the theater, the AC hits my face and thousands of Goosebumps appeared on my arms. I shivered; I didn’t really remember it being this cold in the cinema. “Are you cold?” Kale asked worriedly.

“A little” I told him. “I don’t know they are blasting the AC when it’s still winter.” Kale suddenly took off his denim jacket and walked over to me. Before I could protest, he leaned closer to me and slipped the jacket on over my shoulders.

I flushed because of how close we are and immediately looked at the floor. “T-thank you” I stuttered. Gosh, his breath was so minty. This made me flush even harder if that was possible.

“No problem” He responded with a chuckle oblivious of my reaction. “Let’s go order our popcorn now. The movie will start soon.” Taking a deep breath, I looked up and nodded as he stepped a bit farther from me and we both walked towards the line.

“Are you guys dating?” Someone suddenly asked and then I looked to see a little girl with two blonde pigtails.

“Yes, we are.” Kale lied as he grabbed my hand which caused me to flush once again.

“You two are so cute” Her friend beamed as her short black pigtails seemed to bobbing up and down.

“Um thanks” I thanked them shyly and immediately turned away. The butterflies were just exploding everywhere. Once they departed, Kale immediately released my hand and smiled at me awkwardly.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t—

“No it’s fine, I didn’t mind.” I murmured still a bit shocked that he actually held my hand and how warm and soft it was.

“I wouldn’t mind if you were my girlfriend either.” Kale murmured back to me and I gasped in shock. Did he just say that?

But before I could do anything else, it was our turn to order. We ordered a large bucket of popcorn, two medium cokes, and a bag of skittles and m&ms. Once we’re done, we carried our treats towards the movie. As we did, I didn’t really say anything. I was just completely shocked and flushed.

Kale definitely likes me, I mean he wouldn’t even mind if we were dating. Should I ask him out then? If I did, maybe my insecurity ghost will fade away. I didn’t feel so worthless when I was with him anyway. But, I was too afraid and my insecurities were still eating me. It’s not the right time, he wouldn’t say yes, and maybe I should wait.

Deciding that I should wait or whatever, I didn’t open my mouth and Kale didn’t say anything which was actually comforting. We finally made inside as soon as they were showing a cute Mickey Mouse commercial. “Let’s sit in the front.” Kale informed me as he led me towards the front row seats.

Once we sat down, I glanced around us and noticed that almost all of the seats were full. “This movie is definitely going to get some high ratings.” I whispered to him.

“Most definitely” He replied back to me.

Once the commercial was over, we sat back, relaxed, and watched the movie. As it played, I could tell that Kale was enjoying the movie and I was ecstatic. As soon as Let It Go played, I sang along with it as quietly as possible so no one else could hear me. Kale chuckled at my bad voice and started to sing with me.

So basically, the rest of the movie we quietly sung as soon as the character began to sing and it was so much fun. Once the movie was over, Kale and I picked up our trash and dumped them into the nearest trash can. “That movie was pretty cute.” He said with a smile. “It was little bit better than Wreck It Ralph which was one of my favorites.”

“I love that one too, it’s so cute.” I beamed at him. “And Tangled is so cute too, Eugene is so hot.”

He laughed. “Rise of the Guardian is good too. It would be awesome if Jack Frost and Elsa met, I ship it.”

“Me too!” I chimed. I never thought of them together but now I realized that maybe they’d be cute together.

“Do you want your jacket back?” I asked him once we headed towards the main lobby.

“You can keep it and just give it to me on Monday.” He replied with a shrug. I smiled as the two of us headed towards the exit and out the door. Then I remembered something.

“Thank you for the movie and everything, it was fun.” I thanked him as we walked to the car. “Are you cold by the way?”

“No, I’m fine. I don’t freeze easily.” He told me with a laugh. “I’m more worried about you.”

“Thanks.” I mumbled unable to find the right words.

“No problem” He said back as he smiled at me. “Can we do this again sometime?”

“Definitely” I responded returning his smile.

We both headed back into the car and once he dropped me off, he walked to my door and I used my keys to unlock the door. “Bye Kale, I’ll see you soon.”

“Bye McKenzie.” Kale said to me as he tossed me a hug. And as I did, I blushed. He smelled so good and I didn’t really want to release him either. However, he released and then I looked into his eyes. His handsome electric blue eyes were so comforting.

“Bye Kale.” I said again and then smiled at me and walked towards his car. I turned and walked inside, waving as he drove off. He waved back and I smiled in delight. “Insecurity ghost, you were wrong. He wants to go out with me so how does that make you feel?!”

When nothing happened, I grinned as I locked the door and placed the keys back on the key rack. “Exactly, insecurity ghost you have—

Suddenly, a nearby mirror violently shattered in million pieces and I screamed in sudden shock. Suddenly, I felt a chill on my shoulders and her dreaded voice in my ears, “Watch what I’ll do to Dean.”

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