"Okay I'll look at what I have, my mom seriously bought me so many clothes I completely forgot what I ending up getting."

"Okay well get ready and when you're done send me a picture."

"K, bye ally."

"Byyeee, LOVE YOU!!."

"love you too." Then we hung up.

Searching and searching, I finally found some shorts that matched her description. Then I dumped out of of my bags out on my bed and looked through everything I had, then I found a perfect shirt.

I put on everything I had laid out, and i actually really loved this shirt. It was a tie-dye tank top with the back slash ripped, so you could see my skin on my back.

I quickly sent the picture to ally and then I looked at the time and it was getting close to eight thirty already, shoot how did I manage to loose track of time!

I looked down at my phone and I had many messages from Ryan, he kept asking if I was coming, were I was, if you ask me he seems a bit frustrated...

I ran out my door and started walking toward the house that Ryan gave me the directions for, then I was stopped.

"Hey Emily, where you going?"

"We already had this conversation Gray."

I turned around quickly so he didn't have a chance to ask me anything else, I was already late enough.

I kept walking and looking around and I looked down at my phone for a second. Then I saw the house down at the corner, just to the left of the street. It looked really peaceful, and just as big and nice as the house I was staying in.

I got up to the house and texted Ryan asking him where everybody was at, he replied almost immediately

-meet you up front-

It probably only took him thirty seconds to get here, like dang, did he jump up and run when I texted him?

"Hey" he said with his picture perfect big white smile.

"Hi" I replied kind of nervous.

"Well the guys and a few others are out back."

I nodded and started walking with him toward the backyard.

"You know I have to say, I was getting worried that you weren't going to show."

"Yeah sorry about that, my brother started questioning me and wouldn't let me leave." But in reality it was because I couldn't figure out what the heck I wanted to wear, oh and Ally of course.

"Oh okay, no big deal. I happy you're here now."

I smiled at him and then we approached the very large fire with four guys and two girls sitting around it. Ryan and I walked over to the two empty chairs and sat down.

Nobody noticed because they were in some conversation that made no sense to me.

Ryan leaned over next to me and said "sorry they do this a lot."

"Haha it's okay, I don't mind really."

"Well the guys are cool once you get to know them."

"And the girls?"

"Oh they just met them today at the beach, I have no clue what their names are" he laughed at how stupid his friends are.

I giggled at what he said too, and then suddenly they all looked at me.

One of the guys with short brown hair was the first to speak up. "Hey you must be Emily, I'm Derek" Wow Derek must be a really popular name or something.

My Trip to HawaiiWhere stories live. Discover now