"You understand me?" He asks.

"I do," I say softly "go to your rider he is worried for you toothless." He gets up walking to his rider.

"She can understand them?" Someone from the crowd gasps.

"Hiccup she's a good girl please don't tie her up," Gobber says.

"Tie me up?" I breathe my head falling "let them Gobber no point in fighting I've had worse." Gobber looks at me like I just hit his child.

"Erit you already have your orders," The rider yells.

"Will do Hiccup," Erit says his British accent strong. He walks over and I try to stand my wings like weights holding me down. He tries hauling me up by my arm forcefully but my legs don't work.

"I can't walk yet," I say and he tosses me over his shoulder.

"You know what, Erit take her to the big cage she will remain there for a while," Hiccup says "she may escape if she is only tied."

So here I am in a giant cage trying to regroup. I stand up slowly my body finally refreshed.

"You feed her if it's so easy then Erit," a childish voice says oozing with mischief.

"Fine then I will," Erits voice scuffs and the door is opened. I fly up to a overhang as he walks in I eye him silently before hearing evil laughter.

"You may not want to trust your friends," I say and he spins to face me.

"Oh what would you know?" He asks eyeing me.

"Well you believe what you want but when you find you can't get out don't say I didn't say so," I laugh stretching my wings. Erit drops everything in his hands and runs to the door.

"Hey let me out!" He yells.

"See you later, or not," someone laughs. I walk up behind Erit who looks shocked at his friends betrayal.

"Told you," I say scaring him. He turns to me pulling a knife. My eyes follow the weapon with distaste. "Fool your short knife will not kill me," I spit "takes more than that to get rid of me."

"Oh ya?" He spits then throws it at me it sinks into my skin but I pull it out to show no blood. I look back at him to see he's scared now. I laugh humorlessly dropping it.

"Shouldn't have done that," I say snarling.

"Wait stop I thought Gobber said you weren't evil," He says stopping me.

"I'm not evil," I spit "for the record you hurt me." He stops thinking of a way to get out of this situation. I chirp for a terrible terror I hear near bye turning to play Erit has bored me. The terror flies in with his friends.

"Viking with wings?" They all chirp.

"Yes," I say and show my wings.

"Want to play catch?" One asks and I nod happily and watch as they all run or fly away. I spread my wings going after a smallish one laughing.

"What are you doing?" Erit scuffs.

"Nothing you'd be interested in I'm sure," I mock his accent. All the terrors laugh.

"Are you making fun of me?" He asks shocked.

"Why would I ever do that for Erit son of Erit dragon hunter of the east?" I ask causing him to flinch.

"I no longer hunt dragons Spitfire ," he says.

"Oh I saw you riding the tracker. You know your father was always a mean man," I say "he killed thousands."

"Like you haven't!" He growls.

"No actually I haven't," I spit causing his anger to falter a bit "I tried so long to be the good guy! I've saved millions and got nothing! I have killed one! Why? Because he wanted to kill his own son! He was going to burn him in his own home blame it on dragons! Blame it on me! I was young then. I had no control over myself I killed him. So there you go. There's your big monster for you. The devil that has the body of a Viking and the wings of a dragon." I open my wings then showing him my curse. I fly to a ledge my right wing giving out before I can properly land. He doesn't move too shocked.

"He was going to kill me," he breaths sitting down on a rock. He deserved to know. Maybe not like that but now he knows.

Hiccups sister the dragon hybrid Where stories live. Discover now