Part 2. Chapter I. Audition For Life

Comenzar desde el principio

I looked around and noticed that the clock on the stove read 12:45. That meant I had two hours until my audition and based on what I knew of L.A., I should probably leave myself and hour or more to get to universal studios. I quickly headed to my closet and found the preassembled outfits. I chose one complete outfit and even wore the assigned shoes and purse that went with it. I didn't want to leave anything up to chance.

I looked behind a couple of the closet doors until I found one filled with shoes, I smiled and ran my finger along the backside of the ridge the kept the high heeled shoes in place. I felt a small bump and pressed it in. The shelves immediately move up and gathered on the top half of the space. I bent down a bit a saw a variety of knives, guns, bullets and pepper spray. I placed a small knife in my purse along with a can of pepper spray.

I went back into the washroom and started looking through the drawers looking for make up, a blow dryer and a curling iron. When I found everything I needed, I quickly started getting ready.

Within forty minutes I was ready and realized that I had no idea where the front door was. I walked around for a little bit and was astounded by the size of the apartment. After a couple of minutes I finally opened a door that led to a small hallway with an elevator at the end. Before leaving I turned to the small end table and opened the top drawer. I found a cute red wallet, opening it I found about two hundred dollars and a credit card and a couple other standard cards. I found a driver'a license with a picture of my new self. I briefly wondered how he had gotten my picture before I looked like that, but I quickly wrote it off to some weird time traveling paradoxical thing.

Rummaging through the rest of the drawer I found a set of car keys with a Porsche logo on it and smiled before I kept digging. I found a passport and other identification. I placed the car keys in my purse along with the wallet and headed out the door. I looked at the key ring again and saw what I presumed to be my apartment key. I turned around and locked the door behind me before heading to the elevator. I took notice that there was only a down button which led me to assume I was in the penthouse. After a short wait the door opened and I rode all the way to the bottom.

As I crossed the elegant lobby I was greeted by a number of staff and welcomed to the building. I stepped outside and was pleasantly surprised to find an empty cab right outside my door. I hopped in and gave the cabby directions before glancing over my shoulder to try and figure out my address.

I saw on the side of the building an address that read, #2211 150 avenue and Rose Street. I made a point to remember this so that I would be able to find my way home again.

After an uneventful hour long car ride to Universal Studios, I hoped out and tucked the audition script back into my purse, I had read and memorized it on the way over, so I probably wouldn't be needing it much anymore.

I hurried around to the audition room and walked up to the young man sitting at the door.

"Hello, I'm Serena Metz and I'm here to audition for the female lead of "Forget Me"." I said with authority.

He checked his clip board and scribbled something before handing me a piece of paper and motioning me through the door. I walked in without another word and saw a room with about twenty chairs and fifteen people occupying those chairs. I sat down in a chair next to a guy not wanting to sit next to someone auditioning for the same part as me.

I read over my script once more before they called my name. I stood up and walked into the set room.

"Hello, I'm Serena Metz and I am auditioning for the role of Scarlett Moss." I said commanding attention. All eyes turned to look at me and quite a few eyes widened as they took in my new look. I couldn't help but let a tiny smirk cross my face.

"Alright Ms. Metz, proceed with your audition." A middle aged lady said and sat down in between to men who looked to be in their fifties.

I nodded before starting the monologue. I expressed detail and made each moment of the speech real. I wasn't acting I was bringing the part into reality. By the end, I was broken and exhausted and on the brink of tears. As I sobbed the last few words, I let a single year roll down my face.

Then all at once in my mind's eye I was half a world away. Marisa was back in my arms and I was rocking her back and forth trying to keep her from dying.

"Serena?" I heard my name being called and I snapped my head up. I looked startled to see a movie set around me for a second before I remembered where I was.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Are you ok?" The lady asked me almost half out of her chair.

"Yes, perfectly fine. What did you think of my audition?" I asked switching topics.

"I thought it was some of the most brilliant acting on the planet, the way you put depth and background into every line. It was moving and simply beautiful." The balding man on the right said.

Smiling I thanked them. "Thank you so much, for letting me come. It's been a privilege to have this opportunity. Thank you." I turned to walk out.

"Wait a minute." One of them said. "We need your phone number because girl, you were one of the best actors I've ever seen. I would probably hire you on the spot, but it's not my movie so I have to consult others about that decision. However, I promise you that if I ever do a movie myself, I'm calling you." The trendier man said.

The woman spoke up again. "If you get the part, you should know by the the end of tomorrow." I walked up to them and wrote my name and number on their clipboard.

"Thank you very much, I hope to see you guys again." I have them one last smile before I left.

I was wondering around in a deserted warehouse waiting for something. It was cold and damp and sent a chill into my bones that couldn't go away. Then I saw him. He had his back to me but I could feel that it was him. He was dressed in black with a tough looking leather jacket. In his hand was a sleek black gun.

"You're that one that killed my sister." I stated with a vengeance.

"Yes. I was." The man turned around to face me but his face was still covered by a hood that cast his face in shadows. "Now you are going to die." He raised his gun and pointed it at me. He walked forwards and I tried to move it, but I couldn't. I was frozen and so were my powers. At the last second before he pulled the trigger I heard someone shout my name.

"Christine!" Edi yelled as he jumped in front of me. There was a loud bang as the gun fired and Edi collapsed in a pile at my feet.

Everything went red.

There was a loud crash and I woke up screaming. My bedside lamp was on the floor and everything around the room was shaking. I took in a deep breath and clenched my fists trying to calm down.

"Just a dream." I told myself over and over again, but when I fell back asleep, the same dream repeated itself over and over again.

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