Chapter 13. Discovery

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Chapter 13.

"Hello?" I called out again. When there was no answer, I reached under the kitchen sink and pulled out the small handgun. I grabbed an extra magazine and started the search of the house just as Karen had showed us all in our drills.

As I walked into the game room I froze. I saw the blood before the body. Before I could stop my eyes from following the spatter trail I saw Karen lying dead on the floor. Her once bright blue eyes were now dull and eerie with death reflected in them. I gagged and started to heave as I stumbled back out into the hallway. As the flashbacks of my own parents' death started running through my head I stumbled through my house and out the back door. Not knowing what to do next I just ran.

I ran as fast as I could to Edi's house. I stumbled along the way and when I reached the glass door of Edi's studio, it was dark. I slipped through the door and then headed up the iron stairway to his room. When I found the lights off in there as well every worst outcome popped into my head. They had taken not only my family but my Edi as well.

As trails of hot tears started to make their way down my cheeks I brushed them away with my hand. I ran my hands through my hair in frustration before I continued my search. I rushed down the main staircase taking in my surrounding and looking for signs of a struggle as I went. I turned left on instinct and headed for the dinning room. When I saw Edi and his family all sitting calmly at the dinner table eating supper I breathed a sigh of relief. At this noise everyone seemed to notice me and I watched as various expressions crossed their faces. Virginia looked shocked and dropped her fork, Luis' meatball rolled off his fork and would've landed on his lap had I not subtlety telekinetically moved it so it fell on his plate instead. Mr. and Mrs. Mendez looked horrified and Edi looked somewhat astonished and confused. I realized after a slightly awkward pause that all of their gazes had shifted downward. Following their line of sight, I saw the gun which was still in my hand. I promptly turned the safety on and shoved it in my waistband.

"Hello, sorry to interrupt your dinner, but could I talk to Enrique for a moment?" I asked in a sugary sweet voice that was completely contrary to my messy hair and dirt streaked face and clothes. "Also, where is your fastest computer?" I added.

"That would be my father's computer in his study." Luis blurted out. I gave him a small smile before I spun on my heel and set off at a brisk walk toward Mr. Mendez's office. As I reached the doors Edi finally caught up to me.

"Tina, you can not go in there, he does not even let the maid in there to clean."

Hearing his voice made me remember my panic attack and I spun around. I gave him a quick, hard kiss then pulled away.

"Watch me." Without looking behind me I reached for the door handles when I missed, I just pushed the doors open with my mind. I turned on my heel and strode across the large room to Mr. Mendez's large cherrywood desk. I sat down in the large office chair. I clicked the mouse to wake up the computer.

"Tina, what is going on? You have been acting strange all day, what are you doing?" Edi asked as he guiltily enter his dad's study.

"You want to know, I'll tell you." I told a deep breath. "A year and a half ago, my parents were kidnapped and shot. I was placed in witness protection, with a new family. They have now been kidnapped and I need to find them. Are you going to let me or not?"

Edi stared at me blankly for a moment before nodding as he processed this bizarre information. "Why were they taken?"

"I don't know, either their bad guys caught up to them and they are most likely already dead, or the mob found me and took them in which case I should be getting a phone call soon."

Out of the FlamesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz