Chapter 15. Run

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Chapter 15.

I watched, from the car, as the whole division of cops raided that old cement factory. I quickly set up a telekinetic field around the factory so that I could feel every thing that was going on in there.

I let a smug smile cross my face as one by one, the Russian mobsters were brought to their knees. I knew that it would never be good enough to relieve the pain of my parent's death, but the gloating feeling of a bit of justice being dealt brought healing to my heart.

After a couple minutes I couldn't stand it anymore and ran into the building. Nobody tried to stop me because they had cleared all the rooms. I heard my name being called and twirled around to see my family walking out from behind two heavy metal doors.

"You're safe!" I cried out breaking into a jog. I let my shield drop as I ran, sure that everything was under control. Marisa started running as well.

Everything seemed to slow down as I watched a man clad in black leather jump out from behind a pile of old crates. I saw the small black handgun and as I prepared myself to disarm him from across the room the double bang of two gun shots ringing out sounded through the large, echoing building. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a cop with a smoking gun pointed at a now dead man in the black leather jacket. As I looked back to Marisa, she stumbled. I flew to her side and caught her gently. I lowered her to the floor and craddled her head in my arms.

"Chris," she gasped struggling to breathe, "It hurts. Help me." I looked at her chest and saw the blossom of red start to appear. Without thinking I ripped open her shirt to expose the wound and saw a jagged bullet hole coming through the left side of her chest. I slipped the Swiss knife out of my pocket and slit my wrist. As I placed my own bleeding wrist over her open wound our family finally caught up to us. Mom was screaming and she pulled Marissa into her arms, away from me.

"Mari, it's going to be ok. I've got you. I'll save you." My dad had briefly mentioned that because of the healing abilities written into my DNA, if I was able to get my blood into another person's circulatory system, they might be able to gain either temporary or permanent Elite healing abilities depending on the amount of blood given. As my parents tried to stop the bleeding, they pushed me out of the way and I fell back. I tried to force my way back to her, but they wouldn't let me near enough to give her any more blood.

"Go get an ambulance!" I shouted. I gritted my teeth against the dull fiery pain of my extremely fast paced healing. Already my wrist had sealed up and was no longer bleeding. Right now I prayed I had gotten her enough blood to heal her so that everything would be ok. The mob wasn't going to kill anymore of my family. I wouldn't let them. So as I watched anxiously I crept closer to her and stroked her hair, whispering calming words to her.

Marisa weakly grabbed my hand. "Chris," she whispered hoarsely, "don't blame yourself for this." Marisa gave a weak smile and I noticed that she was getting paler by the second. A note of panic struck my heart.

I placed my hand on her neck and felt for her pulse. After a couple seconds I found it and it scared me. Her pulse was so weak and slow I knew that she wasn't going to make it. Looking around, I knew that I wouldn't be able to cut myself and give her more blood without anyone noticing or my parents pushing me away again. I grew more and more desperate.

"Mari, you have to keep fighting!" I watched her eyes flicker open and closed. "Keep your eyes open and fight. Fight for me!" I yelled at her. I felt for her pulse again and when I couldn't find it I cursed.

"Live. You selfish little...Fight for something! Fight for your own selfish sake. Just live!" I pounded on her chest. "I can't live with myself if I let another person die." I whispered breaking down. My mother was choking on her tears and lifted Mari's body off the ground to hold her closer and rock her back and forth. I could see how limp she was and I knew she was gone. "Please." I sobbed feeling my throat close around the tears that were trying to break free from my eyes. I felt a pair of arms start to pull me away from my sister and I fought against them. The more I fought the more I felt my control of my telekinetic powers slide. In my head, I could feel everything in my telekinetic field start to buzz with emotion. I knew that if I didn't calm down everything would buzz until every atom suddenly disconnected from the one beside it and the warehouse and people surrounding me would disintegrate. I forced my body and mind to go limp before that happened.

I took a deep breath and pulled myself up. I pulled in my telekinetic field because with my emotions so high like this, it was too dangerous.

I glanced at Marisa and let the tears stream down my face. "Not again." I sobbed. I felt arms wrap around me and wished that it was Edi holding me. But it wasn't Edi and it couldn't be for another couple of years. I pushed away from whoever was holding me and ran out of the building. As I pushed through the heavy, factory door, I ran straight on into someone. Not stopping to apologize, I took another step only to feel their grip secure around my wrist. Assuming it was a cop, I spun back and was just about to blast them back into the wall when my brain caught up with my eyes.

"Henri." I said with recognition. "Get me out of here." I pleaded.

"You read my mind. I destroyed all evidence of a Julia Kirk or Christine Sterling. You never existed. From now on..." he paused, grabbed my hands and his next words were whisked away by shifting of time around us.


Enrique Mendez

May 28, 2013

"I have a right to information! I need to know who died on May 15, 2013 at the cement factory in the north end of Saskatoon!" I shouted at the officer in front of me.

"I'm sorry, this is classified information. Due to their circumstances I can only tell you that out of the family, one is dead and one is missing presumed dead." Sargent Rheid answered with a tight jaw.

"Please I am begging you, I loved Christine, I do not want any harm to come to her, I just want to know if she is alive." I took in a shaky breath want to know the answer yet also not wanting to know.

"Enrique, you seem like a nice boy, but I'm sorry, but I can't tell you, especially because one of these victims was a minor." She said shuffling papers.

I dropped my head into my hands as her words clicked in my head. Christine was the only minor in the family. Marisa had just turned eighteen, so that meant that Christine was either dead or soon to be dead. I choked back my tears for a moment as I stood.

"Thank you for your help." I said, my voice cracked and I hurried out of the police station. I walked quickly to my car, got in and locked the doors before I let the tears stream down my face. I cried until my head was pounding and my eyes ran dry.

When I looked up it was dark out and the world was spinning and throbbing so I fumbled with my cell phone and called Virginia. She found me thirty minutes later curled in a ball across the front seat. She coaxed me back into her car and we drove home in silence.

She helped me to my bed and tucked me in before shooing away the rest of my peering family. I heard low voices outside my door and I knew they were discussing what happened.

I closed my eyes but did not sleep for a long time. Eventually someone came into my room and helped me drink some soup broth before leaving again. I fell asleep and found her waiting for me outside. It was thundering and raining and as I let a smile come to my face. Then she started to fade. The rain drops washed her away and there was nothing for me to do. She was gone.

I spent many months in bed before I woke one day tired of the same dream. I dressed and after some convincing I started working at the MezCorp office in Los Angles. I worked on starting a pharmaceutical branch that could make me something to take away my dreams.

Every night it was the same though. I would go to sleep and dream the same dream. Christine in the rain being washed away.

I gave up on being happy so I started trying to convince everyone else I was fine and through doing this, I hoped to convince myself.

Through everything I said and did all I wanted was Christine.

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