Chapter 1

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Yoongi was hurrying home after 8 hours of working to his Husband Min Jimin. They have been married for two years now and that day was their third anniversary. Of course, Yoongi was screw since he forgot about it and acted so oblivious when Jimin ask him to not to go to work that morning.

So, on his way home, he planed to surprise him. It was in occasion of this 'surprise' that he told Jimin he wouldn't be home that night.

He could feel his crotch getting hard just by the thought of Jimin and also his Jibooty.

He hurried home as fast as his feet and possibly his boner would carry him.

When he reached their apartment, the door was locked and ofcourse, Jimin would be asleep since it was past 11pm.

He took out a spare key from his pocket and opened the door as carefully as he could not wanting to wake Jimin up yet.

The lights were all out except their bedroom's ,the door to which was slightly ajar.There was no sound coming from it so Jimin should be sound asleep in his bed.

But when Yoongi peep through the slightly ajar door, he saw that Jimin was not sleeping alone. There was another guy on the bed and although Yoongi couldn't see the person's face due to the fact that he was cuddling so close to Jimin's chest, Yoongi knew exactly who it was.

His Jimin's leg was lazily sprawl across the man's on the bed. Yoongi saw red. He was furious. He barged in through the door with full force and shouted

"MIN JIMIN......

The loud noise woke Jimin up and he blinked slowly trying to adjust to the light. The he saw his husband. Dead mad, heading angrily towards him, grabbing his arm. There were mixture of emotions on Jimin face. Then after what seemed like forever, he opened his mouth to say

"Ah, excuse me"


Bitch, you thought......

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