3. A Love Story

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In Linphea

Lilly: Mommy,daddy I found a big bird made from letter like the one dad does but more special.

Flora: Oh Lilly! That is a very special one. Your father gave it to me the day we met.

Lilly: How cute! How come you never told me about your love story?!

Flora: You never asked sweety!

Helia: Well it is time to tell it then!

Flora:I was in the 2nd year in Alfea and a new specialist came to Red Fountain who came with us on missions ,with the other specialists ,uncels that you call.
I fell in love with him, but didnt have the courage to tell him.

Helia: And it was me. One mission Flora stood with aunt Musa at a place to protect the pixies and Flora's pixie convinced her to tell me. At that time I was in love with her too. Before I got to the ship Flora screamed "Helia" but when I turned around she was too shy to tell me so I got on the ship.

Flora: Than my pixie was hitting me. But in the second try Helia got his ship down and I told him that I loved him and so did he. We didnt have time to talk so we talked when we came back. All of my friends were chearing!

Lilly: How cute is that!

(Helia and Flora kiss)

Lilly: EWWWW! How cute!

And laughs and smiles popped right up.

At Melody

Riven: Musa, look what I found!

Musa: Coming! Whats up!?

Riven: Look at these photos!

Musa: Seriously! I left Rita play the piano herself, to see your strong muscles photos!!!

Riven: Hey, you can find something too. Look there are plenty of albums down there.

Musa: Ohhhh, "Winx Club Forever"!! I havent seen it in a while!

Rita: (walks in) Uh,you are looking to the photo albums. I wanna see one. (finds a book) Look what I found "Musa x Riven"!!

Riven: Oh, yeah check it out! Musa's fashion was great those times.

Musa: It was because of Stella. She always designed planty of them just for us for every thing. But still I can survive my fashion without Stella too.

Rita: I wanna know your love story pleaseee!!! How did you meet?

Riven: Whem Ms.Faragonda and Saladin introduced us.

Rita: I wanna know everything!

Musa: How sweet!!

Riven: Well Musa was a tom-boy and had a crush on me. My friends would teez me because they had their girlfriends. Musa blushed when I talked to her. In one of our missions we expressed our feelings.

Musa: Me and your father would always argue. We werent one of those cute couples and lovely ones like our friends. We broke up many times, but one day we agreed that it is time to move on since we didnt get along so I didnt see him in 1 year. When he came back he changed. He was so sweet and calm. We began dating again and here we are.

Rita: Im guessing you had problems with love. I hope I dont like you did!

Riven: That isnt going to happened because you wont have a love until 25!

Musa: Oh Im guessing! How old were we when we started dating.! Besides every girl needs a man to be rescued and loved from.

At Zenith

Timmy: In my computer it says that 98.2% is the reaching of you having a boyfriend from Zenith.!

Tiffany: In my computer it says that what you just said its 99.9% dumb!

Tecna: And in mine it says that 83.9% from what you dear Tiffany said is not good to speak at your father like that!

Timmy: In my computer it says that Tecna is 94.7% right about it.

(Tecna and Timmy kiss)

Tiffany: In mine it says that what you are doing right now is 98.8% to say "EWWW"

Tecna: In mine it says that you should be doing some excresises for the "Computer Mind".

Tiffany: Yeah,but hearing your love story seems more fun!

Timmy: Why?

Tiffany: Ughh, pleasee!!

Timmy: I guess its okay.

Tecan: I hated boys at that time but your father was so smart that I fell in love with him. He had a crush on me and when we started dating I thought that someone would never like since I was suprised of Timmy.

Timmy: We never showed our love to each-other but still it was love and here we are.

Tiffany: Short but with a meaning.

At Andros

Aisha: Nabu look at Nartida.

Nabu: Wow what a dance!

Aisha: Yeah!

Nabu: She learned from the best!

(they kiss)

Nartida: Ohh, how cute!!!(she hugs them)

Aisha: You were dancing so good there sweetheart!

Nartida: I wanna ask you guys something!?

Nabu: Is something bothering you darling!?

Nartida: No, I wanna know your love story!

Aisha: Our parents forced us to marry. But we didnt. We wanted to know each-other,but Nabu was the one who was interested more.

Nabu: I followed her everywhere. But we got to know each other. Our love required lots of sacrifices.

Aisha: That is all on short.

Nartida: It has a meaning!

At Domino

Selena: Mom ,please! Dad why wont you tell it to me.!?

Sky: Sorry sweety, we cant.

Bloom: We will tell it when it is the time.!

Selena: I dont like it but I will keep your privacy. Or I will ask Moon to ask Aunt Stella.

Bloom: Aunt Stella wont tell her love story to Moon, and you want to ask her about mine.

Sky: Besides, Aunt Stella and Uncle Brandon have almost the same story as us.!

At Solaria

Brandon: (he came and put Moon on his leap) Im sorry little star but we cant.

Stella: (sits close to them) It is very complicated and stuff...

Moon: But please...

Brandon: Im sorry but all we can say is we had a rough time but loved each-other very much.
(kisses Stella slowly on the lips)

Moon: Fine, Ill ask Selena who will ask Aunt Bloom.

Stella: (laughs) Honey, Aunt Bloom and Uncle Sky have almost the same love story as us, so I think she wont tell hers either.


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Sorry if it is long!

Thank you Thea so much!!


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