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"Markus, Nate, and Greg did a superb job at tricking us," I told Trent.

He laughed and clapped his hands together. "Yes!"

"How did you get them to play along?"

"It didn't take them much convincing, your brother and his friends love you," he said through a yawn. It was early to be at the airport. Trent, Lee, and I had our flights one right after another so we decided to all go at the same time to see each other off. We were caught up in the security line and dissecting the details of yesterday.

"To be honest," he continued, "I almost expected Naome to attack me when she first walked through those doors."

Naome giggled and shrugged. "You are forgiven now."

Trent held his heart and gave a great sigh. "Oh thank goodness. So, how did you guys catch me at the light rail? This I have been wondering for a while."

"Well, Connor told us you left at the banquette so we basically raced over there without much of a plan. Simple luck," I said.

"Becca had to make our plans that much harder," Lee mumbled.

Trent frowned.

Lee's eyes widened. "Oh, no one told you yet?"

His frown deepened.

"Becca caught us in the act and that's why she told you to leave early. To sabotage Mel."

Trent froze and considered. He made to speak a few times but nothing came out.

"She likes you a lot, Trent," I explained, "I just don't think she knows how to show it responsibly." Why I felt like I was defending Becca I did not understand, but it was true either way.

"I can't believe this," he said. He was quick to shake it off, though. Everything worked out.

At the end of the line was when the Omies had to say their goodbyes. Naome was close to tears when she hugged me and swayed me back and forth, telling me what a beautiful woman I was and how much she has come to love me. I gathered myself enough to hug the sweet Naomi goodbye and smile as Lee hugged our new friends too. The wisps waved as they left.

Once at the security scanners, I put Nico into a bin. I had separation anxiety so I silently hoped his journey to the other side was safe.

"You promise to post all those photos to your gallery once you get home, right?" Trent asked.

"Of course."

This gave him much relief and made my heart warm.

Lee and I were the first ones to have to board our plane. In the space between our gate and Trent's, he bent down to whisper in my ear, "Do you still have that dress?"


"Good. I'll give you another occasion to wear it."

I blushed.

He looked at me one last time, and I know I held a little sadness in my gaze but his held only confidence. He gave me a long kiss and said, "I'll see you soon," and I had no reason not to believe him.

**Author's Last Note**:

AaaaAAAHHHH! I can't believe I finished my baby. It was quite the ride for me, writing these last chapters. There were times when my heart would race or when I would frown at my own laptop because the feels hit me so hard. These characters break my heart but always manage to mend it too. <3 I will honestly say I am so proud of myself for finishing this story because I never finish anything. This is a new start! I've proven I can do it!!

I like to think that in the epilogue to the epilogue, Trent moves to Denver to go to DU or something and marries Mel and they have babies, but what writer actually calls the shots with their characters? (Lol!)

I sure hope you loved this story and these characters as much as I do. I'd like to make an offer of allowing readers (if there are still any) to vote on which chapter they would like me to write in Trent's perspective. I think it would be really fun and has the potential to be ~romantic~.

Thanks again my lovelies and please let me know your thoughts!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2017 ⏰

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