Please stay.

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Trigger warning.

Camila took Laurens hand gently, while intertwining them as she guided the both of them upstairs. She was so relieved that Lauren came back home, she honestly thought Lauren was saying goodbye.

And that would be devastating.

When they made it into their bathroom she sat Lauren down on the closed toilet.

"Start taking your clothes off." Camila said softly. She bit her lip when she seen the hesitancy in Laurens eyes. "I'll start up the bath." Camila then informed as she turned her back on her wife.

Lauren didn't waste time when she wasn't being watched as she took off her clothes. She grabbed a towel to try and cover herself as best she could. Usually she'd be alright with showing herself to her wife, but right now she had never felt so exposed.

Camila finished with filling up the tub and poured in Laurens favorite bath salts. When she was done, she turned around and caught sight of her wife looking to be in deep thought.


Lauren jumped slightly, forgetting where she even was before turning to Camila. "Huh?"

"It's ready for you." Camila stated, motioning towards the bath. Lauren stared at it for a while, and the silence was deafening Camila. "I'll umm leave yo-"

"P-please stay." Lauren said in a soft voice. Catching Camila off guard, she at least thought the girl wanted to be alone.

Nodding softly, Camila gave her a soft smile. "Of course baby."

"I-c-can you turn around?" Lauren asked shyly as she held up the towels that were practically covering up her whole body again.

Camilas heart dropped at the request. Lauren was always so confident. Sighing slightly, Camila gave a firm shake of the head.

"No baby."

Biting her lip nervously, Lauren slowly let the towels fall. She watched intently as her wife's eyebrows furrowed. Her mouth was slightly ajar and Lauren felt so judged and vulnerable that she quickly tried to scramble for the towel again until Camila shook her head and cupped Laurens cheeks ever so gently, careful not to hurt the girls bruised cheek.

"No Laur. It's fine." Yeah all the welts against Laurens body took her by surprise, but she was still her wife. The girl she fell in love with. "You're okay. You are still as beautiful as the last time I seen you, even more beautiful than before. You're so strong baby."

Camila concluded as she placed gentle loving kisses against Laurens face.

Lauren sighed in content as she fisted Camilas shirt and held tightly. She felt as if she'd let go, Camila would be gone.

Camila understood then kissed Laurens shoulder. "Get inside baby."

Lauren nodded before looking up to Camila pleadingly. Understanding, Camila stripped herself of her clothing and stepped in before Lauren. "C'mere." Camila said as she rested her back against the tub and had her legs spread for Lauren to easily rest against her.

When Lauren stepped in, she closed her eyes at the warmth that tingled through out her body. Sighing, she lowered herself as Camila supported her by grabbing her hips to gently lower her.

Lauren hissed slightly when the water touched her scratches but soon relaxed when Camila gave her gentle kisses across her shoulder. "You're okay baby." She cooed, lightly tracing Laurens side up and down.

Lauren nodded slowly as she rested her body against Camilas and laid her head on her shoulder.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Camila asked tentatively as she ran her hands down Lauren's arms then interlocked both pairs of hands. "You don't ha-"

"I-I thought it was you baby. I didn't pay any mind because I thought it was you that walked into the bus. B-but then he spoke.."

"I told you I'd be back."

Lauren instantly tensed up at the familiar voice. A voice she didn't want to hear in a million years. Colson.

"Don't act like you're not excited to see me baby girl." He cooed as he stared at Lauren's figure crouched down on the floor. "You looked so fine up there, I didn't think I was gonna be able to contain myself." He informed as Lauren was figuring out ways to escape.

"So you're mute now?" He asked eyeing her backside while licking his lips. "I can make you talk-better yet I can make you scream baby." He stated confidently as he felt himself over his jeans.

Lauren finally decided on running to the backroom. If she was quick enough, she could lock herself in until someone finds them in here.

"So are we gonna do it here o-"

He didn't get to finish as he seen Lauren quick to jump up and run towards the back. Quick with his actions, he ran after her.

"Baby girl, why do you insist on playing hard to get?"

Before Lauren could enter the backroom and lock herself in, Colson roughly grabbed her forearm and harshly slammed her against a set of bunks. Her back colliding with the hard metal, making her hiss out in pain.

He turned his head to look at the room Lauren was seemingly trying to escape to, than looked back at her with a malicious grin. "So the bedroom? Naughty girl. I bet you and your wife lay there huh?"

He grabbed her by the neck and Lauren whimpered. "P-please just let me go." Lauren croaked out as she held onto his wrist to try and get out of his grip. "P-please."

Laughing bitterly, he pulled her into the room and shoved her roughly on the bed.

"Th-that's whe-n he cli-cli-mbed on to-" Lauren said in between sobs but Camila cut in not being able to hear anymore.


"H-he climbed on top of me, and-and he unbuckled his belt." Lauren was full on sobbing now, so Camila quickly held onto her midsection. Trying to soothe her.

"Shh baby. That's enough." Camila cooed, as she held onto the fragile girl while she cried. "No more, no more. I promise." Camila said confidently, resting her chin on the girls shoulder. "Let's get out and we'll sleep okay?"

Lauren nodded slowly as she tried to calm down her crying into a whimper. Camila bit her lip before giving Lauren's temple a gentle kiss.

When they got out, Lauren followed Camila into their closet and they both got dressed. Camilas heart swelled when Lauren shyly asked to wear her favorite pair of banana boxers. Nonetheless she easily gave them away to her wife.

Now, they were bundled up in bed as Camila lightly stroked her wife's spine, coaxing her into sleep.

"Thank you." Lauren said quietly.

Camila kept up with her movements as she looked down at her wife. "For what?" She asked curiously.

"For being patient with me." Lauren said shyly as she kissed the underside of Camilas jaw.

"Well it's because I love you." Camila stated simply.

Lauren smiled before looking up and quickly stealing a chaste kiss from Camila before resting her head back on the brunettes shoulder.

"I love you too."


So like guys(x I have this new story I want to put up. But my feelings are all like Sella xD you don't need to publish anymore. My ass is hella excited for it too because it's different(X Damn my ideas for stories :c maybe I should just post it as a one shot and if you guys like it, I'll continue with writing it o: anyways here's another chapter for you guys! I'm on a role :3  :D again, thanks for reading! And please vote and comment. Till next time!


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