Concert Lauren.

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1 year later.

"Alright guys, are you ready to fuck some shit up?" Lauren asked in the microphone, sending everyone screaming out. Her confidence radiated as much as her career did.

Camila stood at the side of the stage, watching as Lauren started to sing for the crowd. The tight outfit she was wearing wasn't helping her as she tried to distract Sebastian from coming out.

The way her skin was glistening from the sweat she elicited from all the dancing and singing was turning her on. The shine was definitely doing her cleavage wonders. Her breasts were bigger contrast to before they had Cameron and Camila low key wants to impregnate her again to see if they get any larger.

"Fuck." Camila thought once she realized fucking Sebastian was indeed making an appearance. It wasn't her fault though. Her wife is fucking sexy. The way she talked to the way she screams her name when their making love. Ever since Lauren got her body back in shape after the pregnancy, she just couldn't keep her hands off her. It was even worse when they were home alone while Normani and Dinah took Cameron out. Camila usually turned into a horny ass dog staring at her wife while she just purposely pranced around half naked in only her laced lingerie. God this was not making her situation any better.

The song came to an end as Lauren's voice faded out. She walked over to her stool that held her water bottle and took a swig out of it. Though once she seen movement coming from the side, she spotted her flustered looking wife. Her eyes trailed down to her crotch and instantly raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at the sight of Sebastian.

Biting her lip, she wanted to make a show for her. Grabbing her water bottle, she 'accidentally' squirted some on herself. She was sure Camila seen it once she heard the groan from the side. She made sure to slowly guide her fingers down the valley of her breasts to collect all the water she spilled. She wouldn't lie, when her eyes looked up and spotted the hungry look in Camila's lustful gaze she was getting turned on to no end.

Slowly, she brought her fingers up bringing them to her mouth before sucking on them and pulling them out slowly with a 'pop'. When she looked up, she bit her lip at the way Camila was subtly brushing her fingers over herself.

With a wink her wife's way, she turned back to the crowd picking up her mic. "Alright. So since my wife came out tonight to watch me after finally finding a baby sitter for Cameron I wanted to show her I appreciate her." All of a sudden a bunch of 'awws' were heard from the crowd and Camila's eyes were trained on Lauren. "I know, I know. I wanted to do something a little different tonight for the end of the show." Lauren said motioning to the crew with her hands who brought out a comfortable looking chair. "Can you bring out a blanket too?" She whispered to the crew guy because she vividly remember what she seen her wife sporting. Camila raised an eyebrow at the sight of the chair. "Baby, come out here." The crowd went wild once they heard the mention of Laurens wife. Camila's eyes went wide and she quickly shook her head.

"No" Camila mouthed, still shaking her head. Lauren pouted at her.

"Please baby, I wanna do this for you." Lauren whined and the crowd started chanting out 'Camz.'

Camila crossed her arms with a shake of her head. Licking her lips, Lauren turned back to the crowd. "Well since my wife doesn't want to come up here for something I was willing to do for her. I guess I'll get a lucky volunteer to give a lap dance to?" The crowd went ballistic at the mention of a lap dance. Everyone was jumping and raising their hands. You could feel the venue shake.

Camila felt her blood boil as Lauren eyed the crowd. She didn't know it was for a lap dance. No way in hell was she going to let someone else get a fucking lap dance from her Lauren. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she made her way to the stage planting her ass on the chair that she wasn't going to let anyone else sit on. When Lauren heard the crowd cheers get louder she turned around and gave her wife a cheeky grin. A man came up to her and gave her a blanket which she thanked him for.

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