

The nine year old girl beamed at me while frantically twisting her wheelchair towards me with that radiant innocent smile of hers as she barely contained her excitement before throwing her thin and shaking arms around my neck

"Dear little Rosie"

A little blush crept up on her cheeks before looking down bashfully. This little sweet girl

"I just took my medicine" she said with a proud fit. Her eyes glistened knowing how much she hated drinking six different medicines a day "and Today, the nurses helped me with my hair cause I was a good girl and didn't cause a fit"

Amused, I chuckled as I stared at her braided yet thinning hair with astonishment "well isn't that a beautiful braid" I went through the flow knowing Rosie would smile once more when given a compliment

"Of course, I bet that boy next room is now in love with me. He even stared like I was the prettiest person in this hospital" she grinned once more "but I should tell him that I love someone else"

"And who may I ask is that?" I knew she was talking about me

"You of course silly" she gushed before she took out her phone from her pockets and pressed every digit before showing me the phone I gave her

"Look, I have your name in my phone. Although I forgot how to use it, the nurse helped me in calling you"

Looking at my name on her phone, I couldn't help but chuckled at the bold letters that said 'Future husband'.

"She also wrote that when I told her I would marry you" tearing the phone out my sight, she then looked at the screen with a dreamy smile

Just watching her smile had made an ache in my chest. Rosaline is without a doubt an angel living amongst the devils and she didn't deserve every part of it. Her family was a total wasteland knowing full well they may never visit her while she is once again stuck in the hospital when her seizures were back at it again

"Did Jonathan visit you?" I asked hesitantly but the girl only stared at the phone obliviously with a shake of her head

"Joey? No no he called me before-before-before-before day"

"And did he call you today?" Again, she shook her head. Gritting my teeth, I smoothed her little hair, as gentle as I can as to not to touch her delicate roots

I guess Saint didn't visit his sister then

"And Giselle?" Rosie made a face at the name of her older sister before she shook her head

"She doesn't like me— of course she wont come"

That was good

"Rosie" I tried to capture her attention as she smiled at her toy before turning towards him with a 'hmm?'

I began to formulate the words correctly— trying to find the right terms as to what I was about to tell her. This was the only alternative anyway

"Rosie, your going home tomorrow right?"

She gave a nod

"Can you do me a favor?"


"Cause I want to play with you" now this got her full attention. Satisfied, I continued "your brother and sister cannot pick you up tomorrow so is it ok if I pick you up imstead? We can play in your house if you want. We can play dolls.."

"And you'll be my prince?" She leaned in with a grin, her eyes sparkled at the sound of her dolls

I laughed at her enthusiasm before nodding "yes ill be your prince but you still have to do me one favor"

Her Little Secret ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن