5 Carry Me Home Slave

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Chapter Five (Unedited)

"I can't do this" I wailed harder

"My shirt wont fit me, I'm gonna be fat and you'll make me stay with your cows and I'll struggle being an animal-"

"Sal what are you even saying?" Aubrey gave me the 'retarded' look as I barged in her room the room she's staying in until the guys leave

"You know!" I demanded before turning towards her with a pain expression "I'm gonna turn fat again and-"

"who care if you're fat" Aubrey scoff "fat is the new sexy. You'll get over it"

"Would you stop cutting me off!"

"And you should stop over analyzing everything" She sighed before laying down on the comfy mattress where I now stood in silence

Okay maybe she was right, but then could blame me then when I knew I'd grow at least thicker and all those efforts in the past just to get this body be washed away over something you never planned? Yeah well its hurting me as much as the thought of Andy having a girlfriends he's seriously committed with

Gosh why does my mind stray towards him when both subjects aren't related

Aubrey didn't speak. I mean How could she when I just interrupted her sleep and its pretty much five in the morning

And why would I want to wake up in such early time?

Well, I woke up wanting to jog out some fats only to realize I may have gone fatter then I have expected it. As you could tell, I could barely breath in my tight shirt anymore

How could I grow so much in such an early time?

Before I could let my mind wander once gain, I took of my shirt which was worn half way when I was struggling to wear it through the chest area before I plopped down beside Aubrey who was probably asleep once again

Pretty much this wasnt from the pregnancy since it was too early. I'D say I was getting fat through my constant eating which had started jist about months ago

"Brey?" I called out when all I got was silence only for Aubrey to sigh knowing she could hear me since she was a light sleeper and all


"Andy's here only for the wedding and then he'll go back to New York isn't it?"

She didn't answer because knowing me, I knew where this was going

"Why didn't you tell me that he has a girlfriend? And four years at that" I scoff

I could hear a shuffle beside me. It seemed like I caught Aubrey's attention now as she turned towards my direction with a sad expression


"Don't worry I'm not mad" I sighed. More like disappointed but then who did I have the right to when I didn't own him. But still, the heaviness of Andy in love took me to side- Putting me in a puzzle I couldn't solve

"I didn't know how to tell you Sally. He- seemed so happy when he told me he met someone and although I want to beat him up I couldn't because I can't control him"

"I know that Brey but a warning would be nice" I scoff before I looked back towards the ceiling "They might think I was an idiot yesterday for looking like they murdered my fish"

"Let me guess, Chris told you?"

I nodded solemnly

"That guy just sticks to you like a glue doesn't he?"

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