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Angel pov

I was with Kelsey at the doctor office because my stomach been killing me lately. Me and cam haven't been on speaking terms like this morning he ask me where I was going I told him with Kelsey he got mad like damn what I do.

"Ion know what it can be Kelsey I even been eating like talking about"I said

"Are u sure u not pregnant girl"she said

"No I can't be "I said

It didn't even cross my mind that I can be pregnant. But it makes since cause my and cam did had sex and that when the problems started.

"Angel " I heard someone say

"That me"I said getting up

The women took me into a room where I waited for a while until the doctor came in .

"Hello Angel I'm doctor Martin"he said

"Nice to meet you"I said

"Well what brings you in today"he said

"I been having problems with my stomach and I wanna see what the problem is"I said

"Well u can pee is this cup for me and will go from there  "he said

20mins later

"Angel it seems to me that you are pregnant"doctor Martin said

"How long I been pregnant "I said

"It looks to be 2-3weeks now"he said

"Damn"I said

I'll give you some medicine to stop the pain you start making appointments now"he said walking out

Damn! How I'm going tell Cameron...

It's short but I'm been busy!

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