Chapter 13

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Thank u to all the wonderful people that to the time out and actually write to me.. I really thankful that I have amazing followers❤️❤️ I love u guys!

Cameron pov
"I'm so done with u"I said to Amaya

"Please Cameron i not with them I'm with u"she said coming up to me

"What the hell u was working with them u not with me"I said pissed off

I push her off of me and walk out to go get mark and tell that nigga we got to bounce for Nathaniel found out we here.

"Bro"I said to mark when I seen them swimming

"What up"he said holding Mark Jr

It was nice to see my brother finally with his family. I hope to be like him one day minus the kidnapping part tho.

"We need to go Amaya was working with Nathaniel"I said

"You Fr son"Mark said

"That how she knew I had a tracking device in my arm"Kelsey said

"Yup so y'all need to come on we gotta get back to Louisiana"I said getting up

"Wow I can't wait haven't been down there in a long time"Kelsey said

"Mommy what's is a Louisiana"Mark Jr said

"It's a boot u get it cause it shape like a boot lol"Mark said laughing like it was funny

"It's a state"Kelsey said smiling she thought that lame as joke was cool to

When we got to the room there was a note on the bed. Ill read it later. I started packing my stuff.

"Yo when we get to Louisiana what u gone do there"Mark said

"Well I need to visit somebody but mostly work"I said

"That cool bro"Mark said

We just pack our stuff next stop Louisiana.....

Angel pov

"How the hell u think u my sister"I said

While I look close she kinda look like me a lil but not really.

"When u was telling me about your mother. My mom did the same thing to me and my other sister but lil sister still stayed"she said

"And it was me huh"I said

"Yes u was just young to remember"she said

"Wow"I said

"And I took a dna test and it confirm u was my sister"she said


"Yo angel we got to go"shamoney said running in

"What"I said

"Get the fuck up" he said taking my IV out

"Stop"I screamed

I was hit with the hardest thing ever and I blacked out..

It's short but it's

what's your favorite restaurant?

Just wanna make conversation with yall😊😊 I'm responding to

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