Chapter 18

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Zion , cj , Jacob , and zye above❤️

Thanks for the names😘

Angel pov

We finished eating and Cameron went upstairs to change will I waited for him in the living room. I had time to admire the furniture and the way the person design was beautiful. I know Cameron couldn't have do this.

"You ready"I heard Cameron say from behind me

"Yes"I said getting up

He open the door and told me we was going in the Range Rover. He open the car door for me and I said thank you.

He ran over and got into the car. "We going go to at&t first to get u a phone so u can keep in contact with us"he said

"I have a phone I just need to go back and get it"I said not really wanting him to buy it for me

"It's fine u need to start new and ion want Shamoy having your number"he said

"Okay thanks"I said

The car ride to at&t was quietly other then the music playing in the background. When we pulled up to the building Cameron open the door for me and we went inside. I really dont need a phone put Cameron insisted on getting me one.

"Which kind do you want"he said

"Umm what is popular right now"I said

"They got the iPhone 6s Plus it's like the a brand new one"he said

"I'll take that"I said

"Alright let's go get it set up"he said walking to the only women available and right off the bat I can tell we going have some problems by the way she looking at cam.

"Hey welcome to at&t I'm chantel how can I help u sir"she said only looking at him

"I need to get this phone set up for my girl"he said sittin the phone down

Did he just called me his girl?

The lady look at me a kinda mugg me but went back to typing on her computer.

"Okay the total would be 240.50 since I'm nice I have u half off"she said smiling

Cameron frowned but pulled out his card and payed. The lady took my phone out the box and started setting it up. After 5 minutes of her asking questions we was done and we can leave now.

"Alright bye"cam said

"I put my number in the box call me anytime"she said

I stop and slowly turn around but was quickly push out the door.

"Imm play u back once I get like a job kinda"I said getting in the car

"No need to Angel just let me do something nice for u once"he said as he started backing up.

"Well I'm going to repay u"I said

1 hour later

After shopping at the mall and me getting so many clothes that Cameron particularly made me get it. We was on our way to the trap to met the guys that Cameron wants me to hang with until I get the robe of things.

We pulled up to a nice house u wouldn't think they Sailing drugs in there.

"Come on"he said

I followed him as we walk in. It smelled like weed and Pussy. Maybe because there girls packing drugs.

"Wait here in going to go get em"he said

I waited and I got many stares from the girls more like mugging.

Finally Cameron came back with 4guys they was fine if u ask me but I'm not really trying go back down that road. I only got eyes on Cameron.

"Angel this is the guys Zion , zye , Jacob , and cj they be showing u around until u get the robe these are the most trusted guys on my team so i know they keep u safe"Cameron said

"What up" they all said

I waved and said hey to them as well.

"Well let's start showing u around ma"zye said

15 comments for next update❤️ next update is the new guys backgrounds

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