"Levi Ackerman, I just joined a few days ago," I introduced myself. Billy stared at me like I had spoken out of turn. His mouth was opened as if he were about to say something, but he sealed his lips on a sigh. He cocked his head and studied me.

Only a moment later, he smirked and chuckled. "The only members of The Peaky Blinders I've ever met is them," he indicated to Eren, Armin, Jean, and Marco. Folding his hands under his chin, his gaze flicked back to me. "You must be special," he said.

"Can we talk about what we came here for?" Eren asked annoyed. Billy looked to him with an insulted look. But another smirk crawled onto his features as if puzzle pieces were fitting together beautifully. "As you wish, Eren Jaegar."

Billy leaned back into his chair and traced the outline of his lips as if he were thinking about what to say.

"I want my money back," he stated. Eren's brows drew together. "What money?"

"Don't act innocent. I know you were at the horse race, which I banned your gang from," he explained. "I didn't receive any money because I didn't bet on the winning competitor," Eren replied. "Then who did? Because I know you left with that money," he asked.

My eyes flicked over to Eren, who didn't budge only stared blankly at Billy. We did take the money at the race, but Eren didn't seem to want to admit it.

"I didn't take any money, Billy."

Eren was lying so easily as he leaned back in his chair with his hands in his pockets. "I'll bring my account into this mess, so I can get my fucking money back, Eren!" Billy shouted. "It was never your damn money. Also, I was the one who lost money," Eren said. His voice was still calm while Billy continued raising his.

"You should never have been at the race!" he cried.

"Why is he banned from the races?"

Everyone's eyes whipped towards me, but Eren's eyes were the quickest. He gave me a look that made me second guess adding input on the situation.

Billy's chair rattled as he stood up. He leaned over the table until his face was inches from mine. I could see every taut muscle in his features. His jaw clenched and unclenched as he showed off his wide eyes.

"They've rigged every one of my races, boy."

My brows furrowed when he said 'boy'. He seemed to be amused by my expression because he smirked. My gaze darted back to Eren, who was clenching his fists until they turned white. I looked back to Billy. He showed off his yellow teeth and chuckled.

"Did you happen to bring this fucker along to the race?" he questioned, gesturing to me. Eren's eyes sealed shut, and he inhaled a deep breath. "No, leave him alone," Eren replied. His eyelids peeled open. And for a second, I thought his eyes had changed. Not their color, but the shine in his irises had vanished.

Billy stood up straight, rolling his shoulders in the process. "Getting defensive over this piece of shit?" he inquired, curling his lips. Eren's chair rattled, and he was standing taller than Billy. "You want to run that by me again?" Eren asked. My eyes widened. I had been insulted multiple times considering my lifestyle, and Eren seemed more offended than myself. I looked to Armin, Jean, and Marco. All of them had an evil glint in their eyes.

"Not until you answer my goddamn question properly," Billy replied. "I told you, he was not with me," Eren growled through gritted teeth.

There was a long moment of people's silence where Eren stared at Billy and Billy's men stared at us.

"Bring me back my money, or I'll have you shot against a post," Billy said. He walked around the table and exited the building, his men following behind him as we stared at the closing door.


I stood in my room undressing, more than ready to sleep. My shirt was removed, but I couldn't find my sleeping gown. I scanned my chambers, but didn't spot the blue fabric.

Scratching my head, my eyes darted to the floor. My gown's sleeve poked out from underneath my bed. How the hell did it get there? I tossed aside my question of the odd placement of my clothing and bent down to retrieve it.

"You should show Eren that ass of yours."

I jumped and turned to see Armin waiting at the entrance. His features held a smirk. "He seems extremely fond of you," he commented. "I haven't noticed," my voice was drenched in sarcasm. I slid my night gown on.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" I asked. Armin seemed to take this as an invitation into my room, because he strolled through the threshold and sat on my bed.

"I wanted to tell you to stay away from Billy," Armin explained. I looked at him with an odd stare. "Well I think that seems pretty obvious," I chuckled. "This isn't a laughing matter, Levi. He can tell Eren has feelings for you, and if they piss each other off enough, you are going to be his first target in order to destroy Eren," he stated.

I was silent as I pulled at the hems of my outfit. This was a dangerous situation that I could easily remove myself from if I told Erwin and Hanji I was finished with the job. But I need the money. And honestly, I want to see how this would turn out.

"I'll be fine, thank you though," I smiled slightly. Armin pursed his lips before standing. "Also about Eren."

His eyes became pits that stared at me intensely. He looked like he was about to pounce and stab me in the chest. "I'll slit your throat if you ever harm him in anyway," Armin's voice turned dark. I nodded quickly, his behavior making me uncomfortable. His eyes lightened, and his lips quirked into a smile. "But I think I can trust you," he winked.

"And here's some advice for my gratitude."

He leaned in close to my ear. "Eren worships men in corsets and fishnet tights," he whispered. My body went ridged when he said those words. Surprisingly, I had never tried wearing those two devil spawns despite my career. "Perhaps I can get you a little something for him."

Armin leaned back with a cheeky smile before leaving my room.

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