Chapter 24: Kei Valancia

Start from the beginning

"Ha!" I slapped my hand over my mouth to cover my surprised bark of laughter but only managed to muffle it poorly. I looked over to see Ryker and his darkening expression. For some reason, it only tickled my funny bone even more.

"What was that? I think my hearing has gotten shotty from old age," he gritted out. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep the giggles in check, but really, this whole situation was just too hilarious.

"Oh, I apologize. I never realized how far down old age has dragged you down the hole of ailment."

"Enough!" I jumped in between the two belligerent men before fists started flying. "Time to sheath your egos. Titus,are you already finished with whatever business you needed to attend to?" I turned to face him and he nodded, straightening his back.

"Yes. It seems we can meet up with your cousin a lot sooner than anticipated, but we need to leave immediately." I was too stunned to form a reply and instead stood there dumbly.

"So we're seriously going to go meet our cousin? Now? Why can't I get off of this rollercoaster of life?" Rei whined petulantly.

"I think you are forgetting that it is my cousin, since he is most likely fae. Therefore he is more my cousin then yours," Rosalinda stated as if Rei really cared. Which she did not.

"Pray tell, why does this meeting have to be met with pressing urgency?" Ryker asked, and I thanked him silently for disrupting the silent storm of arguments brewing inside my head.

"He finally gets to meet the granddaughter of the king, of course he would want to meet her as soon as possible. Now, are we going to stand around and keep asking twenty questions or get a move on?" he huffed and waited with an impatient air.

"I think he has more of a personality disorder than I do," I whispered behind my hand to Ryker.

"I couldn't agree more," he whispered back, his dark eyes shining with hidden laughter. I grinned and grabbed his hand.

"Keep your panties unknotted Titus, we're right behind you. Just lead the way." He shook his head at me before turning and disappearing down the hallway. Ryker and I followed after him, hand in hand. We soon found ourselves following his slender figure out the front door, followed by Kasey and Jeremy which I could guess was Ryker's doing.

"Wonder what this cousin is like?" Jeremy inquired..

"Do you think he's a young eccentric billionaire? I mean, if he's fae then I bet he would want to keep a low profile but having money pour out of his pockets like waterfalls." Kasey let her imagination run wild some more before Jeremy put a stop to it.

"I am a hundred percent sure you were dropped on your head as a baby. Otherwise, if there is no reason to where all this fantasy comes from then I think I'll need to call for help," he retorted. This ensued more bickering.

"You two, behave." I tutted at them like a mother. They both simultaneously straightened and stood at attention.

"Yes Luna." Ryker, noticing the same fact of my behavior, let out a deep chuckle. I sighed but smiled faintly before focusing my attention back to the present, finally noticing that we were now standing at the edge of the treeline.

Titus stood alone in front of the four of us, looking into the dark forest.

"Before you ask, yes, we are at the right spot. Just give me a moment." We all stood silently to let him do whatever voodoo magic that he had planned. Not another moment more before I heard his hushed voice mutter unintelligible words that I was sure was not close to any human language. As he chanted, he lifted his hands in some weird sign, and then started slicing through the air in punctuation. Being as clueless as I was, it looked rather amusing and ridiculous.

"Is he trying to recreate Naruto?" I heard Jeremy whisper behind us, shortly followed by a muffled curse. I looked up to see Ryker shaking his head but I caught a humorous smile tilt his lips up and I was lost on the joke. Before I could ask, it seemed Titus finished his hand waving magic and turned around to face us.

"No, I was not trying to recreate Naruto. Trust me, I know it looks ridiculous but to where we are going, it is necessary." Indeed, he did not look pleased with this fact.

"And where are we going?" He smiled, and it was a self-satisfied one at that. Not answering my question, he turned back around and snapped his fingers. I hate to admit it, but what happened next was pretty awesome, even for my standards.

What looked like a spark flew from where he snapped his middle finger and thumb, landing on the grass before igniting a fire. The hungry flames seemed to dance uncontrollably before getting tamed with an invisible force. We all watched, entranced as they licked their way upwards and forming a circular doorway. The space in the middle became translucent and swirled with a starry blackness. Titus looking rather proud of himself turned his head to look back at us.

"Your dog may have a plane princess, but I have a portal." His violet eyes glowed with amusement and took me aback and the lightness in them before he faced his portal and walked through it without another word.

"Now that was hot," Rosalinda practically melted and it disgusted Rei immensely.

"What's wrong with my plane?" Ryker asked me with a quirked eyebrow. I laughed and looped my arm around his.

"Nothing, King. Absolutely nothing." I smiled and pulled him along until we stood in front of the seemingly never ending abyss. "Now let's see what this cousin of mine wants with me."

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