Chapter 9: Kei Valancia

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"I, Titus Alaric, the fiancé of Kei Valancia, am here to take you back to your kingdom," - Titus Alaric


I ran through the halls with Ryker on my heels, an unknown force pulling me.

"What is a fae doing here?" Ryker muttered to himself. I didn't acknowledge that I heard him and instead ran down a grand staircase that had led to a large foyer. I ignored everything and instead ran down the stairs in a blur.

Practically sprinting, I opened the front door to reveal a spacious front lawn, large metal contraptions which I could only assume to be something called a 'car' was parked in the never-ending driveway, the sun glinting off of the metal beasts in a blinding light.

Thank goddess there were kind people in this world, or else I might have never been able to really grasp the outside world.

Being blind, a lot of people could have left me to figure out the world on my own, but I was lucky enough to meet some good teachers in my adventures as a kid. And they were happy to describe the invention of the car to a blind little girl. I had even ridden in one once, and let me tell you, it was definitely an experience.

Coming back to the present situation, I noticed a group of men standing in the middle of the expanse yard surrounding what I could only assume be the mystery fae.

I didn't spare a glance to Ryker as I ran into a sprint towards the group.

My bare feet barely touched the grass beneath me, the green blades just a light whisper.

"I want to see Kei Valancia," I heard a deep voice say my name as I neared closer. At this point, I could see that there were more people in the way then I had imagined and in a split second decision, I took three more large strides and jumped.

My body flew up and above, the wind catching my hair in its grasp and letting it flow through its invisible fingers. I flew over their heads, making them look up at me with wide eyes, shock evident in all of their faces. My eyes searched until they met a pair of bright violet ones.

I felt a feeling of familiarity as our eyes locked onto one another, something in my blood stirring that had been dormant for almost all of my life. However, we broke the connection when I began to descend the earth, my hair trailing behind me like a silvery flame.

I landed deftly on my feet, bending my knees to help absorb the shock. My face was hidden as my hair hung past my face until I straightened, the strands moving away.

As the man and I stood just a few feet away, I could clearly see his impressed yet shocked expression.

He stood tall and lean, having the look of grace with his long slender limbs. His violet eyes twinkled with something I couldn't decipher and I noticed with curiosity that his hair was just as silver as mine, yet long enough where it reached the collar of his black trench coat, giving an air of mystery.

His looks were sharp and beautiful-his jaw chiseled and his cheekbones prominent and unlike me, he makes pale look beautiful.

"Kei Valancia," he said my name almost in a disbelieving sigh, his voice so silky. "I've been all over looking for you." I kept my expression blank and crossed my arms over my chest.

"And how exactly does your business involve me?" He stared at me with bright eyes and he surprised me by smiling, his perfect pearly white teeth gleaming in the afternoon sun.

"I'm here to bring you back," he stated clearly. "Where you truly belong." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Can I just ask, who are you?" He didn't answer right away but instead slid his gaze behind me. I didn't have to look to know that he was looking at Ryker. I felt his presence weigh heavily in the air around us, his true power leaking through.

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