Chapter 12

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Lunia's Crown^ . Looks cool right?


"Why do I have to wear that?" My gown was white. Ogen was tying a black ribbon around my waist.

"It's for good luck." She said and stood back to examine me.

"And to match your crown." She said as the doors to my room opened. Lucelle and Alicia entered the room wearing identical maroon gowns.

They gushed and squealing. I smiled and turned around to give them a good look at me. "I just don't get the black ribbon."

"Don't worry. It's demon tradition. I wore one too, on my wedding day." Alicia said, smiling.

"And it will match your kickass crown. I've seen it. It's masculine but awesome. I've never seen the Queen but I've seen pictures, and she looked cool in it."

"But of course, she had green hair, and wore a leather bustier and tattered skirt  with kneel length leather boots." Alicia said, taking a handkerchief  and wiping some smeared lipstick at the side of my mouth.

"And there was the fact that she was sitting in the crook of the arm of a ginormous male. "

"Oh, Lunia, you look so good. I wish I looked this good on my wedding day."

"Everyone looks good on their wedding day." I said to Lucelle, raising an eyebrow. It's true. Every women looks her best on her wedding day. Even me.

"Nah. I was a crying mess. My parents forced me to marry Alexei. I wanted to marry someone else." She said, looking far away in thoughts.

"Sounds cliché." It's always like that with a princess.  She never gets to make her own choice. If I was in Lucelle's place, then I would run away or poison Alexei.

"I know. But he was a arrogant dick anyway." She said. "Who?" Alicia asked. "The man I loved. He was so confident  I would marry him that when I broke the news, you should have seen his face."

"So you left one arrogant dick  to marry another." I laughed. They joined my laughter. "If I think  about it now, it seems very naive. I regret not enjoying my wedding. Lunia I know your being forced to marry too. But I want you to enjoy this wedding. You deserve it. Heck, every girl deserves a good wedding."

"Yeah, your so right." Alicia agreed.

I smiled at them. I will enjoy my wedding. I'll think about the other things later.

Ogen signed. "It's time. I wish I had a camera. I'd click a pic right now. To preserve your beauty."

"Oh, there will be plenty of pics later on. Lunia  is going to be queen after all. " Alicia said, handing my a boquitte of calla lilies.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

My hair was styled in a loose bun with some curls falling out. Shiny silver bobby pins decorated it. My makeup was perfected. My eyebrows arched, eyelashes long, eyeshadow, silver. My eyes looked pretty and stormy. My red lipstick, looked good against my white skin. The wretched collar was still around my neck. But it had been decorated for the occasion, with silver diamond wraparound adjustable rings.

My dress fitted me well, as if the one who choose it for me knew my size. But it belonged to the former Queen. So, I knew that a few adjustments had been made.

I was barefoot. It was some weird Demon tradition.

I signed. I wished Hanes was here to see me. But I knew it was just wistful thinking. No family of mine would come. Nikolai wouldn't give me that satisfaction. Even on my wedding day.

I looked at the girls standing behind me in the mirror. At least I had them.

"Are you ready?" Ogen asked.

I nodded. She brought forward a pillow. On it sat a black masculine looking crown, with rubies embedded in it. Lucelle was right. It looked kickass. I smiled at Ogen.

"You have to wear it after the priest proclaims you the Queen. Nikolai will crown you himself. " She said, as she walked me to the door.

"Good  luck, Lunia. Enjoy your wedding. I will see you in Dinhae. " She said, as Lucelle closed the door.

I signed, and raised my head as I walked ahead. Lucelle and Alicia walked behind me, each holding their own flowers. My mood darkened.

"When are we leaving?" I asked, my voice sounding threatening to my own ears.

"The day after tomorrow. The preparation will start tomorrow morning . After your...." Alicia said, but stopped and cleared her throat.

"Wedding night. " I finished for her.

Dread crept up my spine.

I was going back to that hellhole. After so much hard work to escape. I was returning to Dinhae.

Tears pricked at my eyes. But I used my handkerchief to dab my eyes. Thank god for waterproof mascara. I wasn't going to let this get to me.

Not today.

Not on my wedding day.

I would cry later. Feel my pain later.

Nikolai was not going to get me. I wasn't going to let him get me. I'll drink myself to oblivion. He can fuck me in my sleep if he wanted. Or the bastard might just force me.

I'll never give myself to him willingly. He can cheat however much he wants. I took a few deep breaths.

Ahead of me was a dome shaped open door that led into a garden. I walked through in silence. A stone path led into a huge chapel like place from where I could hear some chanting.

"You do know that everyone in there is going to be in their demon for right?" Alicia whispered.

Crap. "I do now." I said, plainly .

"Including Nikolai. " Lucelle added, helpfully.

Mega Crap. I looked back longingly at the dome shaped opening.

"Can't run now." They both blocked my way and nudged me ahead.

"Don't worry, Lunia. He looks good in his demon form. " Alicia said, trying to lighten my mood.

Lucelle elbowed her hip, smiling innocently.

I signed in resignation. I hope the ground opens. Or a plane crashed from up.

Nothing happened.

Nothing saved me.

I entered the chapel.


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