Chapter six (unedited)

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Michael left a few days after he arrived and I adjusted to being part of this new community that I was allowed to create. After a week I got some land from the locals to build my new village for my people and we began with log cabins then I created a tavern for my people to relax in and after a month of being so close to the wall and the war my people were prospering. I loved watching them be happy and this great but it was short lived because the soldiers on the wall hated me and that means they hated my people. I watched as soldiers would try to hurt my people and I told the soldier to never come close to the village but many didn't listen so when some of them killed one of the local men I walked into their camp and killed every single one of them.

When I came back to my village that night I found it in flames. I walked through my village and I found everyone dead but in all of the carnage I found the weapons that dwarves were making for me. It was a battle axe that was as tall as me and took two hands to wield but it was made from my lightning and from metal the villagers had gathered for them. I love the new weapon but when I pick it up I feel a desire for vengeance. I am about to take it when I hear someone yell through the fires and I go to her. It was a small female elf with a few scrapes and bruises. I pick her up and I can see the marks of a metal gauntlet on her skin. I look at how scared she is and I tell her everything is going to be ok. As I do she begins to cry and I hold her close to my body. I know now I can't unleash my wrath upon the soldiers instead I need to forgive them for their hate and leave this place. I come out of my burning village to see at least thirty men and Lilian. I look at them then I look at the little and I know what she'll be. She will be my little saber and I will let her be my wrath and kindness unleashed upon the world.

I look at the hatred I see in all their hearts and I sign. I hold my axe with one and I walk towards them. They seem very surprised by my action and as I get close one of the soldiers attack me but as he gets close I swing my axe. I severe his arms from his body and she falls to the ground screaming in pain. I walk through them and as I get to the end I see Lilian. I see hatred in her eyes but I also regret as well. I simply walk by her but I whisper to her what she was to me in my dream and she looks at me wide eyes of regret. I walk into the forest and as I do it creates a wall around separating me from Lilian.

I walk through the forest until I come to a meadow where I house is. It is a beautiful log cabin with moss growing on the roof with grass, white smoke is coming from the chimney, and a glowing fire coming from the windows. I walk towards it because I know who lives here. I go up to the door and before I can knock a woman with green skin opens the door. She has a dress made from flowers and leaves and plants grow where ever she steps. I smile when I see her and she seems scared of me. She holds up her hand and her plants come to life. I don't know what to do so I bow to her. She seems surprised and her plants stop their attack. I look up at her and she can see it's not the person she thought then she sees the young elf. She sees the little girl is hurt so she runs over to me and looks the girl over then tells me to bring her into the cabin.

When I walk in I see its all one room with a bed made from grass over on the far wall and a fire place with strange green fire in it. There is nothing else in the room and I walk over to the bed. I set the little girl down on the bed then as I turn to ask for help the woman has a sword to my throat. I look at the little woman and she has anger in her eyes. I am a bit nervous but I do remember her. She is Dasos the leviathan of the forest. She is kind but very fierce and she died in my dream. I look at her for a minute then she finally speaks with a heavy Greek accent.

"What are you doing here?" I think about her question for a second then I answer after she puts more force on my throat.

"I am here because I need to find somewhere safe to raise her." Dasos looks at me shocked by my answer but she can see I am telling the truth.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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