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Fred’s mum is saying goodbye to Fred in the front room, I didn’t know it was so emotional, then again I’ve never had a sleepover before so what do I know. I can’t help but notice that even my mum was emotional about her departing her only son anyways it’s only for a couple of days I think. I’m just wondering why he has so many bags. That reminds me I should probably bring them into my room.

***********************************AFTER FREDS MOTHER LEFT**************************************

 “It’s nearly 8 O’clock Elizabeth, you and Fredric can go get ready for bed now.” Mum commanded

“Okay mum” I replied

“Sure, Mrs Theodor” Fred replied

We got ready for bed and then stayed up all night talking about different things but the main thing was if I was actually going to go to school with him this year instead of being home-schooled. The truth is when I was a little kid, from kindergarten till year 2 I was bullied, I was friends with Fred but he didn’t know what was happening, I only told my mum. So half way through year 2 my mum pulled me out of school and started home-schooling me. That’s why we live in the forest and so far away for civilization. My Dad and Mum were friends with Fred’s Mum when they went to school so Fred kept coming over and that’s how we became Mega-Best Friends. We also talked about how George looked nothing like me and looked a tiny bit like my mum and how he also looked a lot like Fred and his mum. We spoke about how Fred remembers his mum having a baby when he was little but then one day the kid disappeared. We were also in the middle of questioning why Fred’s mother decided to change how she looked but we fell asleep on that topic. 

I woke up at 7:30am, Fred was still sleeping and I didn’t want to wake him so I got out of bed quietly and then headed for the kitchen to make breakfast for Fred, George, Mum, Dad and I. I decided on making bacon and eggs for breakfast. When I was making them George woke up and came out of his room. He looked so sleepy; he had all of his brown hair in his face so you couldn’t see his green eyes.

“What’s for Breakfast?” He asked sleepily

“Bacon and eggs!” I said so enthusiastically it surprised him

“My Favourite” He stated ecstatically

“Go wake up Fred, Mum and Dad because it’s nearly all ready” I told him

“Okie Dokie”

He is such a dork. *Pop* oh Jeeze that scared the living daylights out of me, I went to go get the toast out of the toaster. I was in the middle of buttering it when Fred walked out, He looked so tired and his brown hair was all scruffy but at least you could see his bluey-green eyes unlike how George looked, Come to think of it the only difference between George and Fred was that George had just green eyes and wavy longish hair but Fred had Bluey-Green eyes (He gets the green eyes from his mum and the brown hair from his mum I think) and straight shortish hair. It was weird how similar they looked to each other. George looks nothing like me I mean I have blond hair and blue eyes but at least we are both pale skinned that’s one similarity.

“Hello Earth to Lizzy!” Fred said making me jump out of my thoughts which whilst I was distracted by them I hadn’t realised that I was staring right Fred. As that thought came to mind I started to blush.

“Sorry what did you say?” I questioned

“I just said that smells good, did you make it yourself?” He stated

“Oh, um, yeah, I cook a lot around here.”

“Hello kids.” Mum said as she walked in

“What’s for breakfast?” Dad asked walking in not long after mum.

“Green eggs and ham.” I told Dad

“I do not like green eggs and ham I do not like them Sam I Am.” Dad said

“Well it’s a good thing I made up some bacon and eggs to.” I told him with a smile

“Now that sounds better. Did you make me a Coffee and your mother one to?” He asked

“Yep I’ll bring them over now along with your newspaper and your magazines.” I said to both of my parents

“Hey honey, should we eat at the table with the kids this-morning?” dad asked mum

“Sure” Mum said sounding startled at his request.

I bought the food over to the table then the Drinks and the newspaper and magazines.

“Thanks bestest sister ever.” George Stated

“Thank you.” Mum and dad said almost at the exact same time.

“Thanks bestest friend in the whole wide world.” Fred said way too enthusiastically

“Its fine everybody, just eat please and enjoy.” I stated

There wasn’t much conversation over breakfast mum kept looking like she was about to say something and then decided not to, it was sort of like when you have a huge secret and you want to tell it to someone but then are afraid of their reaction so you decide not to tell them.

I was about to ask mum what she was thinking but then she finished her food and put it up on the countertop. Come to think of it, it was only me and Fred left at the table and he looked like he was waiting for me to put my plate up before he moved.

So I just shovelled my food into my mouth and motioned for him to move.

After I finished my mouthful (literally) of food I asked him “What do you wanna do?”

“Um… I don’t know. Hey can you ask your mum if you’re coming to school with me this year?” He asked “I mean school holidays are only for a couple more weeks.”

“Okay I’ll do that you go unpack your stuff, I have extra room in my closet and draws and bathroom.” I told him


Okay how am I going to ask my mum this? Last time I asked her she yelled at me. And I am still sort of afraid to go back to school because I don’t want to get bullied again, but this time I know I have Fred by my side. So I think I’m ready.

“Hey mum, I was wondering if I can go to actual school this year, With Fred?” I questioned

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