Apology Accepted

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I ran to my brother's room and started knocking on it, he didn't answer but I heard sobs coming from his room. I tried to open the door but he was pushing against it so I couldn't come in. He may have been 3 years younger then me but he was strong! I eventually I got the door open and he curled up into a ball on the ground and started crying again.

"Listen, George, I'm so SO sorry that I yelled at you. I didn't mean it and I'm really sorry." I stated apologetically

He just rolled into my lap, so I picked him up and put him in his bed, I started singing him a lullaby and he fell into a deep slumber instantly. I walked out a joined Fred in eating pies and sausage rolls.

"Did you say you're sorry?" Fred asked

"Yeah" I replied


"He rolled in my lap and fell asleep"

"So what does that mean?"

"It means he accepts my apology."

"Okay, you scared me with that glare and that yelling and I'm a year older that you, I can only imagine how George felt."

"Oh Jeeze thanks."

"Just telling the truth"

"Hang on you are not still scared of me are you?"

"Why would I be afraid of a girl" Fred stated proudly

"Don't make me put you in a head-lock" I growled playfully

"Try me girly"

I wrestled him to the ground, we wrestled for a while.

"Fredric you are gonna have to stay the night, your mother called and said it's either that or you get a babysitter, and I figured you wouldn't like Mary the new babysitter in town, I wouldn't trust her with my life. So your mother is going to bring you over some stuff, Okay" Mum Explained

"Yes Mrs Theodor." Fredric replied excitedly

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