Let's Ride

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Author's Note:  A little short, but it's something! Enjoy!

Theme Song: "Caught Up In You" - 38 Special

The next morning came by fast and I awoke to the muffled voices from downstairs. I wasn't much of a heavy sleeper anymore. These days I was lucky if I slept through the night without waking up. Some nights when I had first come here I would sneak out of my cell and out to the stairs.

I'd just sit there, feeling less claustrophobic there and less smothered. Some nights I was alone, other nights a certain redneck would wander his way out to the stairs and sit in silence with me, sharing whiskey. He never said it, but I didn't think he slept well either.

I got dressed this morning in a thin, flowy white tank with my black shorts. I pulled on my boots and stuffed my knife and sickles in their rightful places upon my person.

As I headed down, Maggie stopped me and grinned from ear to ear, "Heard you were learnin' to ride today." I rolled my eyes playfully and she kept grinning, "What?" I asked, slightly confused.

She shook her head, smiling still as if she knew something I didn't, "Ya' like him." It wasn't a question so much as a statement. I swallowed thickly, shrugging my shoulders as if I hadn't a clue what she was talking about.

"He's.." I started, but Maggie interrupted me, "A friend. I know. I said the same thing to daddy about Glenn, but I knew better." I stared at Maggie and couldn't help but laugh lightly. Glenn and Maggie were a world different than Daryl and I..but I understood what she was getting at.

She bumped my shoulder as she walked by, "Go have fun. Just don't go out past that stretch.. Doubt Rick would want anythin' happening to ya'll."

Involuntarily, I hugged Maggie and she hugged me back, kissing the top of my head in a sisterly gesture. I was incredibly lucky to have her in my life.

When I walked out of the quad, Daryl was straddling his motorcycle. He he nodded towards me before starting it up. I walked over and he picked up a thin black sweater from his lap. It had two little skull emblems on each side of the fabric that covered the wrist.

"Found this on tha' run with Rick the other day." I looked up to him and smiled, hiding the butterflies that swarmed around.

"I love it." I stated, a little taken back by the fact that he was thinking about me while on a run.

I pulled it on and he looked at me while I adjusted the sleeves, "Skulls and crossbones. Now I'm a real motorcycle babe."

He smirked and tried to give me a onceover with his eyes discretely, but I caught it and he looked away quickly. Michonne opened the gates, a coy smile on her face and I hopped on the back.

"We'll be back within the hour." Michonne curtly nodded, giving us a once over to make sure we had weapons on us.

I knew we had to be quick with the lesson because the sound of the motorcycle could draw some of the walkers in. We took off and I instinctively wrapped my arms around Daryl.

When we got to the stretch of road that was desolate and clear of walkers, I hopped off. Daryl wasted no time in going over every part of the bike, from one end to the other. My mind attempted to keep up with it all, but I was a little flustered.

Borrowed Time | Daryl Dixon  [Book 1] Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora