Elephants and Walkers

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Author's Note: Hey everyone! If you really like my story check out @thefanfictionawards and nominate if you feel it's worthy enough!
Theme Song: "Bloodstream" - Stateless

I got my sickles out quietly and he was already armed with the crossbow and a finger to his lips. He shoved the door open with the toe of his shoe and upon entering immediately fired an arrow to a walker making its way towards us from the back hallway.

When it fell, Daryl got another arrow ready and I stalked behind him, flanking like a soldier would. I carefully combed the aisles before peeking my head up to see Daryl coming back from the hallway that led to the restrooms. "Clear." He muttered and I pulled the backpack from my back, sheathed my weapons and started to scavenge the aisles.

We were both silent for a moment and I watched as Daryl started to fill up with anything that would be of use to the group. I stopped short as I saw a crushed box of Ding Dong's and my green eyes widened with joy. Ding Dong's. Sweet, delicious chocolate-y mounds of goodness.

I grabbed the box and tore it open and Daryl walked around from a different aisle to see what I was doing. I wiggled my brows at him, waving the box for a moment to show him what I'd found. He raised his eyebrows in surprise. I looked at the box and the expiration date with relief. They were two months away from expiring! We were in luck!

My eyes were alight with excitement and I tossed him a Ding Dong that he caught skillfully. "Hell ya', never thought I'd see one of these again." He muttered unwrapping it and shoving at least half of it into his mouth. Crumbs fell to the floor and I snickered as I unwrapped my own and started to bite into it.

I knew I looked ridiculous, closing my eyes and reveling in the sweetness, but this was the time when little things counted. Moments like these mattered. At least to me.

"These were my favorite as a kid." I mused as he finished his and licked his fingers. My eyes held fast to his fingers in his mouth for a beat too long. In that short time I took in his thin lips, his slightly dirty hands, and the stubble that graced his face. Not to mention the look of contentment that washed over his face was endearing as he licked away excess chocolate.

There was a brief moment that I caught a glimpse of the boy he used to be a long time ago...before he grew into a man. Before he could notice I had already looked away and continued to lick my fingers as the chocolate melted quickly.

I could feel his eyes upon me and I turned to look back at him, my thumb still in my mouth. I knew I was blushing a pink hue. He smiled a rare Daryl Dixon smile and when he caught sight of my thumb he smirked before saying, "Everyone always liked Twinkies...to hell with 'em. This is where it was at."

He paused and I slowly released my thumb from my mouth and curved my lips into a sultry grin. Oh what the hell? He was staring at me and I always got a laugh out of making him antsy or uncomfortable.

His blue eyes held fast to my face, anywhere but my thumb that lingered around my lip. Daryl's posture changed and he tensed briefly, but I kept my doe green eyes to his blue ones. There was a hot flush of blood flowing in my veins and something primal had taken over me as I came to the startling realization that I was insanely attracted to Daryl Dixon.

So much for making him uncomfortable..now I was shifting awkwardly.

I couldn't help but notice the curious way he looked to me..almost as if he were trying to figure me out. Or figure out how he felt about me. His head tilted slightly and I swallowed thickly. The heat of his gaze had given me cotton mouth.

I blinked in surprise and regained my composure as I cocked my head to the side playfully, "What?" My question surprised him and he cleared his throat, furrowing his brows at me, "Nuttin'." His voice was rougher than normal and I could've sworn I saw him blush as he looked back towards the aisle absentmindedly.

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