Seven ~ Sleeping Angel

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Seven ~ Sleeping Angel

Thursday Morning


I locked the door on my way out and I started to walk down the road.

Every morning I dreaded the walk to the bus stop.

It wasn't the bust stop itself, it was having to take the bus that I dreaded.

I'm to exhausted to deal with Liam today, or any other day for that matter.

It repulses me every time he's near me, especially when he tries to feel me up.

I never went back to sleep after waking up in the middle of the night, I couldn't.

It's been like that just about every night now.

As I was still walking down the street, I heard a vehicle pulling up beside me.

“Hey Angel, I thought you'd want a break from taking the bus. I tried to catch you before you left but I guess my timing was a bit off.” Malachi smiled.

I smiled back at him. “How thoughtful of you.”

He knows I take the bus but he doesn't know about Liam.

He smirked. “Get in.”

I walked around to the other side of his truck and put my hand on the handle.

But before I opened the door, I froze and looked around me.

The feeling of someone watching me was strong.

I didn't see anyone but that doesn't mean that someone isn't hidden somewhere, watching me.

I let it go and got inside, sitting in the passengers seat.

A second later, we were on our way to school.

“Thanks for giving me a ride, I really didn't want to get on that bus today.”

“Anytime love. So tell me, why didn't you want to get on the bus?”

“I- I just didn't feel like hearing all that talking right now, I'm too tired and have a headache.” I probably sound like a liar.

It all was true though, I just left out Liam.

“Okay okay, no need to get nervous.” He chuckled.

I blushed. “So anyway, how did you know where I lived?”

“Small town, every one knows everyone. ” This time it was his turn to look nervous.

After school

I took a deep breath as I exited the school doors, I got through another rough day.

One more day until the weekend.

I was about to cross the parking lot when all of a sudden, two vehicles halted on either side of me.

I let out a small scream, and my heart was beating fast.

Malachi got out of his truck, looking concerned.

He rushed over to me and grabbed my shoulders. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah I'm fine.”

Malachi looked over at the other driver, which happened to be Killian.

“Who the hell do you think you are Killian!?!?” Malachi walked over to him.

He had already gotten out of his truck.

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