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Taehyung walked into the restaurant that Jungkook worked in. He had to practically pry it out of Jimin when Yoongi wouldn't tell him.

Taehyung looked at his phone, noting he was 5 minutes early before the younger's lunch break. He politely declined service when an employee asked him if he needed to be seated for one. He simply told them he was waiting for a friend, and they left him be.

Taehyung looked around the restaurant. It was neat and had fall colors like brown and burgundy. It was big, too. Taehyung noted that Jungkook worked in a 4 and a half star restaurant. Damn, Kook.

"See you guys in a bit! Oh, and Jacob stop drinking my Naked's! I need them for lunch!"

Taehyung watched (and heard) Jungkook exit the kitchen, he assumed. The younger didn't notice Taehyung as he was clocking out on the computer at the service desk.


Jungkook snapped his head up at his name. He smiled brightly upon seeing Taehyung at the entrance. He quickly hung up his apron and rushed over to the older.

He took Taehyung into his embrace, loving the warmth radiating off of him.



After a few minutes they finally pulled away. Taehyung took Jungkook's hand and lead him out the restaurant. He opened the car door for Jungkook, shutting it afterward, then heading to the driver's seat and quickly getting in. Taehyung started the car and took off.

"We can't go far; I only have 30 minutes."

"I know."

"How did you find out where I worked?"

"I'm Kim Taehyung."

Jungkook giggled at that. It was the most precious sound that has ever graced Taehyung's ears.

"Stop being a Yoongi and tell me."

"I had to pry it out of Jimin after Yoongi hyung wouldn't tell me."

"Why didn't you just ask me?"

Taehyung turned at the light and began slowing down as he came their destination.

"By the time I woke up this morning, you were already at work."

"I went in at 1 today, angel."


Jungkook laughed and shook his head. He got out the car when Taehyung parked it at a sushi bar. The younger took his hand and they walked inside together.

After ordering, they seated themselves in the dimly lit room. As soon as he sat down, Jungkook poured himself and Taehyung a cup of tea that was displayed on the bar's table.

"Why are you being so cute? I thought I was the submissive one."

Jungkook rolled his eyes at Taehyung's pout. He doesn't know why he's being so... small (?) with Taehyung. He knows that the older likes to be dominated and likes to be treated like a princess.

"I don't know. Sorry, angel. I'll try to be more dom."


Taehyung showed off his box-like smile and giggled. He sipped his tea as they continued waiting for their food.

"Whose shoulders are broader? Yours or mine?"

Jungkook raised a brow at the older. Why in the hell did he ask me this? I'll never understand you, Tae.

"I don't know? Probably mine, angel. You're small."

"Am not! I'm only 1cm shorter than you! Honestly, you have to look down at everyone like Namjoon hyung."

"I do not! Only Jimin and Yoongi.... and you."

Jungkook smirked as he mentioned Taehyung. The older pouted and kicked Jungkook's shin under the table. He groaned in pain and laid his head on the table. Taehyung thanked the employee who brought their food as Jungkook laid there. Taehyung moved the younger's food out the way so his hair wouldn't get in it.

"You should eat. We've got like 18 minutes left."

"So precise with your timing you math nerd."

"Yes, a nerd who just wants to make sure you eat and get back to work on time."


With a roll of his eyes, Jungkook began eating. Taehyung followed in suit. They didn't talk much, as they were enjoying their meals. Why would you talk with a mouthful of raw fish anyway?

They finished soon with Taehyung paying the bill. With that they left the sushi bar. On their way back to the restaurant, Jungkook noticed how quiet Tae was. And a little fidgety. Is he okay? Should I ask?

Jungkook was about to ask if the older was all right until the car came to an abrupt stop. Jungkook lurched forward a bit and Tae got out the car. Jungkook didn't know what was wrong and he was not liking it.

"Angel, what's wrong?"

Instead of receiving a response, he received a kiss. Jungkook kissed back almost immediately, bring his hands to rest on Taehyung's hips as Taehyung's arms went around the younger's neck loosely.

They soon pulled away to catch their breath.


There was a glint in Jungkook's eye that told Taehyung to continue, so he did.

"Would you... umm... only if you want to... be my boyfriend?"

"God, you're so fucking adorable."

Jungkook cupped the older's cheeks and kissed his nose. He smiled gently at him.

"I've got to go, but I'll text you later, okay angel?"

Jungkook gave him a quick kiss on his lips. He ran off to the restaurant as Taehyung realized something.


Jungkook turned around to laugh, then disappeared inside the restaurant.

a/n: savage jungshook bye hope y'all have a good day

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