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I have lived long enough to know that everyone has an input on someone's life.

I have stayed away long enough to know that time continues and the people rarely change.

I now realize that we as people have to want to change.

Life is cruel, full of distrust, broken hearts, broken promises, and lies.

People try to tell us how to live, what to believe, how to love, and where to go in life.

They tell us the good in life, never the bad.

Someone will say expect the unexpected.

But what is the unexpected?

Few will tell you, "Pick your own path and I will guide you."

So many years later you find out that your way may have been the best way for you.

So who is living who's life? What did you expect? What was your outcome on this thing called life?

If you did not think about it then my point was pointless.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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