"I have a better idea," he told her before he pushed himself in her.

"Ohhh," she moaned.

"I think you'll like this better," he told her and captured her lips. He kissed her passionately before releasing her and watching her face begin to change. It was an expression he never seen before, and one he couldn't read because he didn't know it.

"I do," she whispered and pulled him in wrapping her legs around his waist.




(Pretend she cut her hair okay? Carry on)

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(Pretend she cut her hair okay? Carry on)

"Damn ya gorgeous," Shawn said drawing it out as he watch her descend down the steps. His New York accent was cute to her and it had her blushing.

"Thank you," she said as Shawn extended his hand out to her. She grabbed it once she reached the last step and he pulled her to his body.

"I don't want to mess up your make up, but I might have to." He told her looking into her eyes and moving his hand over her ass gently rubbing it.

"I don't mind," she moaned a little looking into his eyes.

"I know your sexy ass don't but it's cool. I'll mess it up later." He winked.

"Is that a promise?" She asked now biting her bottom lip flirtatiously.

"It's whatever you want it to be," he said tapping her ass and letting her go. She pouted because he walked away. He looked back at her and laughed.

"It's not funny," she groaned.

"You've been in my arms all day hell all week, and I'll be holding you all night, but you're acting like I haven't touched you at all," he smiled.

"I know it's just-"

"Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"what you're about to do, make an excuse."

"I do not!"

"Yes you do you've done it plenty of time, you did it when I asked my you why you rushed to the rest room, you're doing now."

"That's only two times."

"That's two I've named but there's been more, but I don't get it. Why do you always try to explain yourself?"

Bahama Breeze (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now